How you meet

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You were starting a new school and you were currently standing in the corridor when a boy ran into you accidently knocking you on the floor.

"Oh God sorry are you okay?" He asked holding out his hand to help you up.

"That's okay, Yeah I'm fine"You take his hand and stand up.

"I'm guessing your new to (The school name)

"Yeah, just starting today."

"Cool, I'm Ashton and you are?


"Well Y/N I think you are very pretty "

"Thanks " You replied blushing

"Well y/n here's my number see you around" he winked

"See ya " You grinned

His POV:

I ran through the corridor when I accidently crashed into a Girl who was very pretty,  I stood up and apologized holding my hand out to help her up asking if she was okay.

"That's okay, Yeah I'm fine" He grabbed my hand and instantly felt sparks I've never seen her around so I'm guessing she's new.

"I'm guessing your new to (The school name )

"Yeah I'm just starting today"

God I love her voice

"I'm Ashton and you are?" I asked wanting to know the pretty girls name.

"Y/N" She smiled

Her name is so pretty and her smile is amazing

"Well Y/N I think your very pretty " I accidenly blurted out

"Thanks" She blushed

She looked so cute when she blushed

"Well here's my number see ya around" I winked

"See ya " She grinned

I've only just met and I'm already in love with her..  I've got to ask her on a date with me. hopefully she'll say Yes.

Ashton Irwin Imagines/PreferenceWhere stories live. Discover now