Chapter 25 - The Forsaken Striders

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The Commander of the Black Gallows stands at the head of the bridge with his hands behind his back, containing his own anger as he stares at the holographic live projections of the Councillors who are all demanding answers from him. Councillors from Vale – who are currently cowering inside of their posh and rich bunkers whilst everyone else is being evacuated to safety – are practically yelling at him. Whereas the others from Vacuo, Atlas and Mistral are merely wanting to know where they stand in this whole situation, not one of them apart from the Councilwoman are concerned about the welfare of the civilians and the Huntsmen and Huntresses battling against the Black Smog right now.

He rolls his eyes as they argue with each other, if there is something that he and the other Hunters beneath him right now can agree on – it is their utter resentment for Politicians and their selfishness. He stands there, waiting for a moment in this arguing where he can chime in and shut them up. The Councilwoman stares at him and leans forward, her hand on her pregnant belly with worry. "What are the Black Gallows going to do about this, Killian?" The Councilwoman questions, and finally everyone goes dead silent, giving Killian the floor.

He scoffs as he looks at them all. "Oh – I am allowed to speak now?" He asks them as he steps forward, his hands hovering over his chest as he approaches the many holograms. The Atlesian Councilman scoffs in return, shaking his head at the Commanding Officer of the Black Gallows.

"This is not a joke or a game, Commander!" He argues, making Killian laugh.

"Oh finally, you say something that doesn't sound like total horseshit for once." He laughs at the stupidity of these politicians. They all stare at him and he paces back and forth with his hands still behind his back, and his eyes glare at each and every one of them. "Because none of you have said one thing about the survival odds of the civilians in Vale. All I have heard so far is your concerns for the stock prices and the economy for the world!" He chuckles, shaking his head with disgust at him.

"The Economy is the most important factor for the survival of the world. When the C.C.T went down our economy collapsed for a few weeks and we are still trying to repair the damage." The Atlesian Councilman scoffs.

"Exactly, I agree. We must think of what is important." The Mistraalian Councillor scoffs, whereas the Vacuo Councillor just does not seem to be bothered by any of this information. He is just sitting there calmly with his legs crossed on his table, eating some food he was served. Killian glares at them all – the man might have extreme methods to prove his points about the dangers of the Huntsman Academies – but he also knows the value of civilian life. He may be sacrificing Vale, but he is only doing it to destroy the Huntsmen, not the innocents. They are just a tragic side effect to his actions, and he takes no pleasure in it – and these people are only worried about how quickly they can fill their wallets.

"And human or Faunus life is not important?" Killian questions as he paces back and forth.

"Human life is all that matters, all the Faunus have ever done is cause problems. We're all better off without them." The Atlesian Councillor claims, in which that really gets the attention of Vale and Vacuo who both glare at him. Clearly these people must have close friends or family that are Faunus and they stare at the man in total disgust.

"Shame on you..." The Valerian Councillor hisses as she clenches her hand into a fist.

"What? The White Fang are nothing more than a bunch of Faunus degenerates, they caused the attack in the first place." The Atlesian Councillor states but the Valerian Councillor shakes her head.

"Sienna Khan claims otherwise!" She argues.

"Oh of course she does, for all we know this attack is down to her as well." The Atlesian Councillor states, despite the fact that the real perpetrator behind this attack is standing right in front of them. He paces back and forth, listening to their constant arguing and it angers him more and more.

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