Chapter Five

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"Damn it, Cas. I told you not to say anything." I look up from my computer. Dean takes his coat off and puts it on the chair next to me.

"Did you get the records?" I ask. Dean sighs. "Barely." he responds.

"So you know where she's buried?" He puts his head into his hands. "No. There were no records."

I sit there for a second just thinking. "Should we check out the house? I know where she used to live."

Dean picks his head up. "And you didn't tell me this before, why? Let's go." He gets up and puts his coat back on.

I shut my computer and put my coat on, too. He turns to Cas and points at him. "You stay here."

Cas puts his head down and I notice a slight blush on his cheeks. I internally freak out. It's obvious that Cas likes Dean but Dean is to oblivious to notice. Sometimes I just want to push their faces together and say you're welcome.



"I'm Agent Maddok and this is my partner Agent Stiles."

The woman at the door looked concerned. "How may I help you?"

I quickly think of an idea. "There's been gas leaks in this area recently and we want to inspect your house to make sure you're safe. Your family needs to clear the property while we check."

A surprised look crosses her face. "Okay." She heads inside her house and calls something about a movie. After a minute or two she walks out with a man and a little girl. "We'll be our of your hair for about an hour. You can call me if something goes wrong." She hands Sam a piece of paper.

We watch as the family gets in the car and drives away. I walk over and unlock the trunk so we can get our bags.

Sam leads the way as we head into the house. "Should we check for an attic first?" I question. Sam looks at me. "Yea. Let's go."

We head up the stairs quickly and look for any small doors into another space. After searching for a while, we decide to look for a basement.

I open the door to the pantry and start digging. I find a small hatch on the back wall towards the ground. It seems big enough to fit an adult so I call Sam over. He pushes the door open slightly and then turns to me. We start playing Rock Paper Scissors and I throw out a confident scissors but it's overthrown by his rock.

"Damn it." I say as I take my coat off. I grab my flashlight out of the bag and stick it through the door along with my head. There's a piece of wood propped up so it acts as a ramp leading down to the ground. I pull my head out and stick my legs through so I can drop down to the floor.

I aim my flashlight around, trying to look for a good view. I hear faint screams coming from my right. I look up at Sam. "You might want to come down here."

He slides down and starts walking towards the noise. There's a few sheets of plastic covering up a doorway. I peek my head in and see a bunch of tables with people strapped to them. I run over to someone who's awake.

"You're going to be okay. Just go out of that doorway and wait for us." I whisper as I undo the straps. Sam and I go around to each person until they're all out of the room.

I hold my finger up to my lips as I creep toward the closed door with screams emitting from behind it. I hold up my fingers.




I burst open the door and hold my gun up only to see a girl strapped to the table and a knife falling to the ground from midair. I rush over to the girl. She has cuts all over her body.

"You're going to be okay. What's your name?" I question, trying to stay steady so she won't freak out. "Isabella." She answers with a whisper. I start undoing her straps. "Okay, Isabella. Can you walk?" She shrugs her shoulders and sits up. "I don't know yet." I help her stand up and she stumbles.

"I can stand but I can't walk." I help her sit on the table again.

"You can stay here and I'll be back to help you." I say as I run over to Sam. "I'm guessing that she's buried somewhere in this house seeing as she died in the backyard." I suggest.

"Then let's look." Sam says. He walks over to the corner of the room and I walk out the door to look somewhere else. I don't get too far, because I hear Sam whistle. I run back over to him as he pulls a sheet off of a body.

I look over at him in disgust. "Man, that's nasty." He goes to grab his bag. While he's gone, I feel a force slam me against the wall. I slump to the ground as Sam runs in.

"Where is it?" He asks frantically. I raise my hand to point as the ghost appears behind him. He turns around just to get slammed against the other wall. I crawl across the floor and grab the bag. I notice that both the walls and floor is stone so I cover the body in salt. I soak it in lighter fluid and toss my lighter on top of it. I watch as it bursts up in flames and so does the ghost. As I turn to look at it, I realize that Isabella saw the whole thing.

She stares at me, wide eyed. I walk over to her. "We'll answer questions later."

Sam and I help everyone out of the house and then call the woman to tell her everything went okay. Isabella walks up to us afterwards. She tries to ask a bunch of questions but we cut her off and tell her that we'll answer her after we bring her home.

Her reunion with her mom goes great but she needs to heal her cuts so we bring her to our motel room. We bandage her up and then we sit her down and explain what happened.

"So ghosts are real? And I just saw one?" She asks. Sam and I nod. "Pretty much." I say.

"Man I need to sleep." she replies. I leave her on my bed and sit at the table with Cas. Sam went to grab food for Isabella and I.

"So, Dean. There's something I need to tell you." I look up and my eyes are met with a pair of vibrant blue ones.

"What is it, Cas?" His look is concerning me.

"Well I've had this feel-" His words are cut off by Sam walking through the door.


Yo I finished another one

Love you guys


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