Chapter 28

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(Matts POV) 

I got ready for school when i got there i saw that edd was already there i walked over to him he smiled "hey edd"i said "hey matt"edd said we talked a while exticted to tell everyone we are dating and if they dont approve i wont care as long as i have edd by my side im happy i do anything for him tom and tord arrived we smiled edd would tell them we saw that kat,Vanessa,mia,and diana were with them "GUYS WE HAVE A ANNOUNCEMENT"I yelled they stared at us "me and matt are-are"edd seemed nervous "if you tell us we tell you something about us"mia said smiling "ME AND MATT ARE DATING"edd yelled there eyes widened then mia,kat,and kat stared jumping "EDDMATT HAS SAILED"kat yelled "NOW WE NEED TO WAIT FOR TOMTORD TO SAIL"mia yelled "guys tell us something about you"edd said "i dont talk much beacuse i dont trust many people and back then i had blue hair but it all changed as soon as i met i Crystal"diana said we were quite vanessa eyes widended "t-thats m-my l-little s-sisters n-name"she said we were suprised "i know what happened to diana and why she looks like this now"mia said "im a tomboy i hate dresses i wear makeup some times beacuse my mom wants me to be a girly girl"vanessa said "im gay"tord said "im bisexual"tom said we were learning so much about each other we look at kat "I'm in a secret group with Diana "she said "what group "i asked "cant tell you sorry "she said we went in school when we heard a announcement "youll have free time today due to the fact that someone filled the class rooms with animals" we all look at diana "hey i dint want to do a report about alphas,betas,and omegas they get treated differently just beacuse of what they born in for example did you all know that omegas dont have the right to call people by there first name when they get marked"she said our eyes widended "there's stuff way worst than that come let me tell you everything that people cant do *what omegas laws where*

When a omega is marked they have no right to call anyone by there first name they have to call his alpha there mate and call alphas:alphas betas:betas omegas:omegas 

If they don't get marked by 29 years old they would have to serve a alpha for 6 years and if marked stays there 

Have to obey there alphas if don't they get puneshed as much there alpha wants 

Now that was horrible to hear how they dint get treated well "there's a lot more but I can't say them there not right"Diana said "guys who wants to join project 'canceled' it's something a group has been working in I'm in it and so is Diana"kat  said we look at here we all exchanged looks "I'm in"we all said "come follow me to the secret base we're only the 'silent ones' members can go to"Kat said we followed her I can't belive omegas get treated so unfairly 

He is mine (omegaverse + hihgschool AU) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now