Untitled Part 18

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The last couple days not much has happen.We are gonna be in mass soon but thats good and bad.I want to see a couple friends but I have to go see my grandparents I owe it to them.But I'm scared my grandmothers most likely to be excepting she will still care and treat me like nothings changed.But my grandfather is a big question mark.He is kinda odd..He also could turn dangerous he has guns all over and wont like being lied to.Then hell tell my "father" and who knows what happens after he gets out of jail.we were sitting at the table and I was shaking my leg. "Hon What's wrong"dad asks. "I'm scared of what my grandparents will do well more my grandfather." "Tony you shouldn't be scared of family why are you." "He has guns all over and a lot of places he could hide a body.And shore in hell not gonna like being lied to this long." "Sweety do you want me to go with you." "No that wont work it'll only make him more mad." "I'm not letting you go alone." "Yeah I Shouldn't I could take Angel but she no help I'd be better on my own at that  point." "I dont know hon.Maby just dont go." "I have to Dad I owe it to them they did a lot for me growing up." "Okay well I'm not letting you go with out back up." "Okay." I think then I pick up my phone. I go to Emersons contact and text him.  "Hey do you have any plans for today." He texts me back quickly. "No whats up." "Could you do a favor for me...? Plzzz"

 "Sure what is it." "Can you come with me to my grandparents so I dont get like murderd." "Damn yeah when. "Could we leave after we get to the venue?" "Yeah of course." "Thank youuuu" "Dont mention it." I ran out back and put on some clothes . "Dad Emerson said he'd come with me does that work" I ask looking up. "Yeah that works ill call you an Uber.What time you want to go?" "As soon as possible." "Okay Ill call it now since where like 10 minutes away form the venue.So they should be here in 30.Can you get ready that quick?" "Yeah I did it for school all the time."I put on white and black acid washed skinny's with rips starting at my thigh and stoping at my knee. I put on my guns and roses crop top that's shredded at the bottom.I did my hair into a pony tail and light my eyeliner and blew on it.I lined my eyes and put on mascara. I walk out and put on my converse. 

    "Right on time their here." "Bye love you." "Love you to." I grab my jacket and walk out and see em walking over. "Hey em Thank you for doing this." He hugs me "I told you not to worrie about it.You ready?" "Yeah." He opens the car door. "After you my lady." "Well thank you sir"  slid in and buckle up.He follows and closes the door. We drive off and when we start to get closer my leg starts to shake. He places his hand on my leg and I stop shaking. "It'll be okay" he smiles a resuring smile. And  I start to calm. "Just please dont be offended anything they say."  "I wont I promise." 

    We get out because dad had already pay. I walk up to their house and walk in.some would say this is rude and in most families it is but in theirs they dont look the door and eveyone just walks in.I already told them I was coming so I walk into there living room. "Ton" my grandma got up and hugged me. "Tony who is this" she says walking over to Em. "Grandmie this is Emerson .Emerson this is my grandma cora." "Hello ma'am." "Oh poilet but please call me Cora" she hugs him. My grandfather walks in. "Hi Tony." "Hi grandpa." "This is Emerson." "Hello sir" He sticks his hand out and my grandfather takes it. "Call me Steven." We sit on the couch and they their rocking chairs. "So guys I have something to tell you". "My god this this kid get you pregnant." Ems eyes open wide . "No we aren't even a thing." "Then what is it" my grandparents wonder.

   "Well let me start from the beginning. Mom and I had gone to the mall a littel over a month ago. Well we where there I seen someone who looked like a musician I was a fan of.I went up to see if I could get a picture.We started talking and mom walked over.well turns out they had known each other.They had known each other 16 years ago.This raised some doubts.Well the doubts about who was my father"  My grandfathers face turn red. "Okay honey continue" my grandmother calmly states. "Thank you.Well we went to go get a Dna test and he was my father.We got to know each other and I was gonna go stay with him for the summer.But then Mom and I house burnt down.I went to stay with him earlier then expected.He and his band are on tour now.So I went with them.My mom came to see me a couple weeks ago and she told me that she got a house in Florida so I chose to live with Ashley." My grandmother starts to cry. "Get out you bastard of  a child "my grandfather yells.  I nood and get up. "Bye I love you" I mumble. We start to walk away. I get down the street from there house and start to cry. Em pulls me into a hug "its okay darling It'll be okay.The true family  is the one you pick.Those who you chose to love and that love you." I sniffle and look up. He wipes my tear. "You dont need them.You have many that love you.You have no need to  fight for anyone's love."  "Thank you Emerson." He looks in my eyes then cups my check. "Please don't be sad your beauty  is be on compare but sadness and despare turn beauty into a sad reality." I smile and blush letting my hair fall in front of my face. He brushes it behind my ear. we start to walk we end up in my old neighborhood. He looks around.

    I walk up and look at the building  that use to my home.Burnt chars  now the brick skeleton of the house still there.The family's that use to occupie it gone.sit and I walk up the side walk that would lead to my door. I walk up to the hole that use to be are door and look in. I walk in. "Tony I dont know if its safe to go in" Em tells me walking behind me. "Em I have to .This burnt empty room use to be my living room.Christmas morings and nights drawing spent in it." "Then Ill be with you." I look around and smile a sad smile. He puts on soft music and takes my hand "You deserve one last good memorie here.So may I have this dance my lady."  I laugh "I have to warn you I dont know how to dance." "Ill lead jut listing to the music and let it carry you away." I take his hand and we start to dance around the ash of my home. It was a fairytale.My distorted version of beauty and the best.

  We here a cracking and Emerson pulls me out the door I watch the banister crash from out side. I laugh and he joins. He looks me in the eyes and leans in. He looks about hes about to kiss me but pulls away. He looks at the time and frowns. "I must go darling.Are you coming" "No thank you I gonna go hang with Angel."he noods and calls a Uber and we wait. We see it pull up and he hugs me bye. I watch him drive then walk down thee street to Angels house. I knock and her mom answers. "Tony I havent seen you in ages" she pulls me in a hug. I hug her "hi mama." "I heard you were living in la now." "Yeah havent been there much though." "Oh yes Angie told me your on tour with your father.Just know you are always welcome here." "Thank you." Rome her brother runs out. "Tony" he is 7 and I love him like my own brother. I pick him up and twearl him.  "Rome." I hug him and he tells me about his new video game.I tell him maby after Ill play with him.Angel tells me to come to her room .We go in and her youngest brother tried to follow us in but we got ride of him. We sit and talk.affter bourse I leave and end up at the bus at 12 i had already told dad I would be home then.I walk in and go lay in bed and scroll through instagram.I watch stupid videos and then sleep.

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