Hanging Out

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Evan's POV:

I got this weird feeling that something was wrong. First I silently check on my parents. Then, for Y/n's sake, I checked on Jo. Last I checked On Y/n herself.

She was sitting in front of the window silently crying. She looks over at me before looking back through the window.

"It wasn't easy." She says then pauses. "It was rough, for Jo and I. I took beating after beating for her. I took brands, ridicule, cuts, burns, all for her."

She looks up at me with sad eyes. "I would die for her. She is like my own. If anything would happen to Jo...I wouldn't be able to survive." She says with tears running down her face.

"I would protect Jo with my life. I'm starting to like it having other people around." I say. I look at her and hug her. She eventually drifts off in my arm. I look at her. Even though we just met I feel quite protective of her. I think of her a sister, both her and Jo.

I gently lift her up and set her in her bed. Then I leave going back to my room.

Y/n's POV:

I wake up no longer in Evan's arms but in my own bed.

I get up and get dressed in some a pair of tights and a thin camo hoodie. Under the hoodie I wear a simple white t-shirt.

I go downstairs and sit on the couch. I look at my phone. It has a couple new messages.

I open the messages and see a new group called the Banana Bus Squad.

                  -In Group Text-

Nogla: Who wants to go to the park?

Cartoonz- I'll come.

Ohm- Me too

Vanoss- Same

Delirious- Sure

Mini- Sorry have things I have to do

Terrorizer- Going to visit grandparents, sorry

Panda- I'll be there

Wildcat- Nope, busy

Moo- Count me in

N/n- Sure, can I bring Jo?

Nogla- Of course, see you there in ten

            .-Out of Group Text-

I close out of the messages and go to Jo's room.

I knock and she yells "Who is it?". I open the door, "Y/n." I say.

I come in. "You want to come to the park with my group?" I ask her.

She pauses before she answers.

"Can I hang with my friends?" She asks. I smile widely at her.

"Of course. I'll tell the boys. Where do they live?" I ask her.

She smiles widely and hugs me. "A block or two away. By the park." She says.

I nod and we find Evan. Jo holds my hand tightly as we walk towards the park. Evan is with us dressed in his usual.

We get to Jo's friend's house. I walk up. Jo hold on to my hand tighter. Before I knock I crouch down to be face to face with Jo.

"If they hurt you, so much as a bruise, you'll tell me right." I say looking into her eyes. She nods.

"Please call every hour or two, or if you're going somewhere." I say again she nods at me. I stand up and knock on the door.

A human woman answers the door and smiles. A hyrbid man stands behind her, her husband I'm assuming.

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