the fun begins

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I get ready to go have some fun with Jace I was in the bathroom doing my hair and makeup I started putting on my clothes when jace replied sweetness can you hurry up in just bored waiting for you I smile as I finish

                                    This is what she is wearing you can change the
                      Outfit if like...

I walk out and get a whistle from jace I smile he smiles and replies "you look great anything else you want to show me before we go" I smile and think to myself should I show him my vampire form eyy forget about it I'm going to show him I smile and reply "I have one more thing I want to show you" he smiles and replies " ohh yeah whats that sweetness I smile as I transformed into my vampire form he whistled again and replies "keep being this sexy I will take you for myself "I smile and reply "you can try but I'm jacks not yours" he chuckles I smile and reply "  are you ready to go" he smiles and replies "yes" I change back to my human form I ask " where are you taking me anyway he smiles and replies "somewhere" we walk out the palace and there in the driveway was a black mustang I smiled and replied are you trying to impress me he chuckles and replies maybe maybe not I smile and reply well it's not working quietly he smiles and before he could say a word my love popped out on a balcony he smiles and replies " jace you better take care of my princess or else there be consequences he smiles and replies don't worry she'll be fine promise" he smiles and looks toward me he smiles and replies love you sweetness I smile and blow him a kiss jace opens my side of the door I get in he go to the driver seat and we drove off...

After 30 min we stop at a skating rink I smile and reply " really jace" he smiles and replies " what sweetness I thought you will like it I smile as he helps me out the car I giggle he went in the trunk and pulled out rollerblades I was shock he looked at my expression and he smiles and replies " you okay sweetness " I reply " have there beautiful but I can't skate he smiles and walks toward me and replies " thats why I'm here I smile after 15 mins I have the blades on I was scared what if  I fell I went into the rank and jace followed he hand for a while when he let go I was frightened he replied sophia I look into his blue eyes he smiles and replies " it's going to be ok I promise you" I smile as I try I get it a little bit after a while i got the hand of it and actually it was fun I didn't fall at all Jace was having a little bit of difficulties I giggled as I saw have wobbling like he was balancing on something I skated toward him and replied need help he smiles and replies " yes" I smile as I grab his hand and before I can help him we both fall and I'm on top of him he groans and replies wow that hurt" I couldn't anymore I started giggling he faces me and replies " sophia" I look to him and he groans in more pain I couldn't hold it in anymore I start to burst in laughter he looks at me with a smile I get up and we leave the skate rink when putting out shoes on have tossed me the keys to the car I smile as I run to the car I had a fun prank I could do on jace. I run to the car and have is still far behind I get in the car and put the hood on and roll the Windows and kick the doors that was all done when have came he tried to open the door but it was locked I smiled he replied " sophia open the door" I shake my head "no" he replied "sophia open the door " I reply nope rolling my p he chuckles and replies you are one of a kind he tries to open the door again I put the key in the keyhole the engine starts I smile and look at Jack he replied "sophia don't do it" I smile and wave goodbye and well I go it was at 40 mph and I knew I was going fast I pulled down the window a little and looked in the rear window and saw have running toward me I smiled as he caught up he replied sophia stop and  open the door sweetness" I smile and reply no can do he smiles and replies there will be consequences sweetheart you can choose the easy way or the hard before he could say the other way I stepped on the gas....

This women I was explaining to her there will be consequences if she didn't let me in she replied " no can do" I smile and reply we can do it the easy way or the hard before I could say way she stepped on the gas I chuckles and thought to myself when I get my hands on her and ran after her and my car...

I didn't want to listen to jace speech so well I stepped on the gas I was  going 150 mph wow this car went fast before I knew it I was back at the palace I took the keys out and exit the car I saw jace coming so I ran into the house to find Jack but it was too late Jace was in the house when he saw me he replied time to get punish sweetheart I knew he was playing so I ran away from him yelling jacks name and he followed

I was in my office when I heard a familiar voice call my name I thought it was sophia but it couldn't have been her she is still out with Jace I get back to work and thought about my sophia when I felt hungry so I got up and walked out of my office and going straight to the kitchen which was downstairs

I was running away from jace when he replied cupcake come here I replied no he chuckles and runs after me still I lost my shoes when we started we were in the running room.running around the table when I  ran out the running room into the halls I was running when I spotted Jack I replied Jackie he looked at me with a smile on his face I ran to him and jumped into his arms he smiles and replies there's my princess I smile and kiss him he kissed back he puts me down I look toward the running room and don't see jace yet I smile as Jack puts his finger toward my cheek and turns me so I can face him he replied sophia who are you looking for before I could say something we are interrupted by Jace replying there you are I hid behind Jack and reply him pointing toward Jace. Jace walks toward us and replies "sophia come from behind there" I reply "no" Jack replies " why do you need sophia jace" he smiles and replies why won't you ask her Jack he turns around and replied sweetheart what did you do" I smile and reply " what do you mean" he smiles and replies" swetheart " I smile and reply " um" Jack faces Jace and replies " what did she do " he smiles and replies " well you see I gave her the keys to my mustang so she can drive he looks toward me I smile then turns back to have and replies " ok go on" and well she decides to lock me out Jack turns toward me and replies " baby" I shrugg and he turns around and listens to the rest of the story Jace continues and replies " anyway she kicked the doors and there's no way for me to get in so she put the key in the keyhole and the engine starts she waves to me and well she left without me I start to smile and have replies that's not all I chase after her and ask her if I can get in and she says no I told her there will be a consequence now chance before I got in more trouble to sneak away I googled toward the stairs while have replies " I told her there will be consequences and that she can choose the easy way or the hard but before I can finish she zooms off I was already on the stairs case when Jack turned around and didn't see me he looked at the staircase he smiles and replies " sweetheart" I smile and reply "yes darling" he.motion his finger toward me to come downstairs and well I have to listen I'm near him and he replied " sweetheart you have to say sorry " I shake my head "no" he smiles and replies pls I said "no" still he chuckles and replies " sweetness do it for me" I look at him and he's showing me his puppy dog eyes i can't stand those eyes I look toward Jace and reply " I'm sorry Jace for being mean" he smiles and replies apology accepted now come here he walks toward me and gives me a hug it's really comfortable too  I smile and push him away he walks away and it's only me and Jack he smiles and replies "I love you" I smile and reply " love you too my lovely prince" he chuckles and kisses me I kiss back he picks me up and carry me upstairs....

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