Tenma's love

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   Meanwhile Sasuke was traveling, Sakura took the time to focus on her growing hospital for children. She loved children. She hoped to have some of her own someday.

  Every single day she thought of Sasuke, not one day went on that she didn't think of him. As time went on more and more guys grew interest in her. Sakura was beautiful, and her large green emerald eyes stood out to many. Most of her male co-workers had fallen for her. But her loyalty to Sasuke was too strong to be tempted by anyone. What did cross her mind was Tenma. She was still friends with him, well more like friendly with him but ever since the festival things hadn't been the same. He was still somewhat distant towards her. She felt like she hurt him, which hurt her since she never intended to hurt anyone. She decided she wanted to clear the air with him.

  Finding Tenma wasn't easy to find. Even though they worked at the same hospital, he was always needed. "Hey Tenma! Can I talk to you real quick." He seemed nervous and taken aback. "Y-yeah sure of course Sakura.." the two walk to the hospital cafeteria. "So how have you been I feel like we haven't gotten the change to talk since-"
"Since the festival." He interrupted.
"Yeah." She was feeling nervous about this conversation. "I just want us to forget the past, I really miss our teamwork skills and I don't want any bad blood. Come on Tenma, is there any way we can work this out." He looked up at her and his sweet innocent face, "Yeah of course I'm willing to put all this aside, I care about you too." Sakura smiled, "That's great oh gosh I thought I lost you for sure and out frienshi-"
"Just so you know, I might be willing to put all this aside but I'm still going to fight for you, because when one is in love they don't give up that easily." He chuckles and winks at her as he walks away, Sakura is left shocked and confused. Now sitting alone at the lunch table.

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