chapter 1

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Humming a tune, Li Xiaolu looked at her wedding dress. It was her most beautiful and precious design that she had ever created. 

Today was her wedding with Chen Yufan, the love of her life. She was extremely happy that she was going to marry him and become his wife. 

Today would be the day where she would be first introduced to the world as the eldest daughter of the Li family and also the famous fashion designer, LX. 

Busy in her thoughts, Li Xiaolu didn't even realise that her younger sister, Li Roulan and her best friend Meng Xuimin entering her room. Startled by the noise, Li Xiaolu turned smiling she called, "Roulan.... Xuimin....." 

Her younger sister walked towards the dress as she looked it all over, "My dear elder sister, you sure know how to create a beautiful dress.... " 

Xuimin sighned as she said, "But it's such a pity that your elder sister won't be able to wear it.... " 

Listening to them, Li Xiaolu frowned not understanding what they were talking about. "Xuimin what do you mean? " 

Xuimin laughed, "What do I mean? ". She looked at Roulan and said," Roulan let's show her what do we mean? " 

Roulan smirked and called, "Guards.... ". Four bulky guards entered the room. Li Xiaolu was confused as she turned to Roulan and asked, "Roulan what is going on? What is Xuimin talking about? " 

Roulan looked at her coldly as she ordered, "Guards, grab that bitch and drag her away... " 

The guards walked up to Li Xiaolu and grabbed her both arms tightly. Feeling the pain in her arms, Li Xiaolu cried out, "Roulan what are doing? I am your elder sister.... " 

Li Xiaolu struggled hard as the guards held her when she saw Roulan walking up to her. "Roulan what are you - " 

PAK!! A hard slap fell on her cheek. Li Xiaolu looked shocked at her younger sister not believing that she had slapped her. 

"R-roulan.... " 

PAK!! Another slap... Li Xiaolu cried out her chin was forcefully gripped as she felt nails digging into it. "A mere servant like you is not fit to call your master's name..... As the eldest daughter of the Li family you have to call me Miss Li.... Do you get it? " 

Servant? Master? She is the eldest daughter of the Li family then what is Roulan talking about? 

"Roulan I don't think she understands what you are talking about.... Don't get yourself so worked up.... Today is your wedding day and you have to look beautiful in that beautiful gown your elder sister..... oops I mean your servant made for you... Isn't that right Li Xiaolu? " Xuimin said as she smiled evily at me. 

Li Xiaolu was so confused and puzzled at their behavior that she didn't know what to say. Looking at Roulan she asked, "Your wedding? "

Li Xiaolu winced at pain when Xuimin grabbed her hair and sneered, " Or do you think Chen Yufan would marry a slut like you? A servant of the Li family? " 

Li Xiaolu whole body shook as she cried, "What are you talking about Xuimin? This is all a joke, isn't it? I am the eldest daughter of the Li family and today is my marriage with Chen- " 

PAK!! Another slap. "Do not take Brother Yufan's name with your dirty mouth.... " Li Roulan sneered as she slapped her hard. 

Xuimin laughed, "Li Xiaolu do you still not understand? Today is Roulan's marriage with Chen Yufan.... How can a nobody like you think of him? " 

What? Roulan's marriage with Chen Yufan.... 

"Guards what are you waiting for.... Drag her away.... " Roulan ordered. 

"Yes Young Miss.... " they shouted as they started dragging her arm. 

Pain shot through her whole body as she cried, "Leave me.... I am the eldest young miss.... Roulan.... Xuimin.... Leave me.... Mother.... Father.... " 

Li Xiaolu struggled hard but her strength was very poor related the guards. They dragged her all the way from her room to the hall downstairs while she kept shouting on top of her lungs. 

Li Xiaolu stooped when she saw her parents and Chen Yufan standing downstairs. A ray of hope lit in her heart as she called," Mother... Father.... Chen Yufan.... " 

The smile on her face faded and the ray of hope in her heart was completely shattered as she looked at their unaffected faces. 

Li Xiaolu looked at their faces in disbelief as she cried, "Why? " 

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