chapter 43

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After finishing their breakfast, Li Xiaolu patted her stomach in satisfaction. I wish I could eat something like this everyday....

Looking at Zhehan she felt that unless you see from your own eyes, one should not believe rumours at all. He is very different from what she has heard about him.

People say that he is cold, ruthless, emotionless, scary, a devil but she couldn't see any of these things in him.

According to her he is shameless, pervert and a great cook. He can be a bit domineering but he is not scary. Whenever he is around her, for some reasons she feels secure.

He does kiss her, sometimes even teases her but she never felt disgusted by him or his touch. Instead she feels very comfortable around him.

Feeling someone staring at him Zhehan looked from his phone, "I know I am handsome but you don't have to stare so much... "

Rolling her eyes she scowled, "I am not staring at you. I am wondering why are you sitting in a towel? Don't you have clothes to wear? "

"My assistant is bringing my clothes over here." he replied.

"Oh! " she nodded. Just as she was about to speak the door bell rang. Must be the assistant....

Getting up, she walked towards the door. Opening it, she saw a young man with square shaped glasses holding a suit in his hand.

"You must be Zhehan's assistant? " she asked.

"Yes mam... " Assistant Xue Yihong replied formally.

"Please call me Li Xiaolu... " she said motioning the assistant to come in.

Assistant Xue Yihong was shocked when he entered the room. Even in his dreams, he never thought that one day he would see his cold boss in such a way.

This morning, he almost got an heartattack when his boss ordered him to bring his clothes over to an address. Now, looking at the young girl in front him, he understood his boss weird actions.

She was truly very beautiful. When he got to know that his devil boss fell in love, he was extremely happy. He had seen for years, his boss being cold and aloof.

Atleast now there is someone, who can make his boss smile.

Hehe.... I have to call Madam Zhang and let her know about this. She would be so happy to know about Boss's relationship. Assistant Xue who was busy in his thoughts while looking at Li Xiaolu suddenly felt a deadly glare on him.

Shivering, he looked towards his glarring boss. Giving him the suit he whispered, "Boss Miss Li and you look very beautiful together. Truly a match made in heaven!! "

Zhehan smiled nodding, "Hmm... Increase your salary for this month... "

Looking at two people whispering to each other, Li Xiaolu frowned. When are they going to leave? I have to get ready for my opening ceremony....

Assistant Xue smiled, " Thank you Boss... "

"Xiaolu I'll just change and come.... " Zhehan said as he walked towards her room. Yeah, yeah do whatever you want. This is your own house... she grumbled under her breath.

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