Chapter 1: The Choice

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"Bow," Yellow Diamond commanded as she looked down at the small human standing before her. Her voice echoed through the large pink room, causing Y/n to shrink away slightly, unnerved by her cold glare.

"Yellow-" Blue Diamond moved forward clearly aware of Y/n's discomfort, but Yellow Diamond stuck out her hand to stop her as she continued staring down at the human.

Y/n stared back up to her, catching themself on her diamond shaped pupils, Y/n took a deep breath and closed their eyes for a quick moment before letting their body relax, "Yes... My Diamond," The words coming off their tongue felt like acid burning their tongue and lips. They bent one arm into their chest, one behind their back, and leaned forward, staying in that position for a few seconds, before returning upright

"Very good," Yellow Diamond smirked as she stood up tall and proud, clear satisfaction in her voice, "Now listen to me very closely because I will only say this once and I will only offer this once. If you agree to return to Homeworld without resisting and you agree to cooperate during your trial... I will go easy on your sentencing. Do you understand?"

Y/n paused as they processed the situation they were stuck in, as much as they would hate to admit it, they were terrified of what was about to come next. Deciding to bite the bullet, Y/n took a deep breath and continued eye contact with the large Gem, "I do," Y/n said simply

"Do you agree to these terms as I've laid them before you?" Yellow Diamond asked

"Yellow, at least give them the option to live in the zo-" Blue Diamond began to plead

"I agree to your terms," Y/n told loudly, interrupting Blue Diamond, much to her surprised

"Y/n!" Blue Diamond gasped turning her head towards Y/n quickly, crouching down so her eyes were leveled with theirs, "Think of what you're doing! You're essentially pleading guilty!"

"I'm standing trial," Y/n reminded calmly, "That gives me a platform to defend myself,"

"Are you saying that you didn't commit the crimes charged against you?" Yellow Diamond asked

"I'm saying there's a good reason I did," Y/n told

"For your sake, I hope they are good reasons," Yellow Diamond said, "Your trial will commence as soon as we reach Homeworld... I will inform the prosecutor,"

"Y/n, please reconsider," Blue Diamond pleaded

"There's nothing to reconsider," Y/n said

"...I will provide you with a lawyer then," Blue Diamond sighed

"I don't need a lawyer," Y/n told

Yellow Diamond let out a slight chuckle as she turned for the door and opened it, "I wish you luck, Y/n. You're going to need it," After that she exited with her pearl, who gave a longing look back and then shut the door behind her

"Y/n, you need a lawyer," Blue Diamond told

"I've been on trial without a lawyer before," Y/n said, "I can do it again,"

"At least let her provide you counsel, you may take lead if you really wish," Blue Diamond offered

Y/n nervously grabbed their own cheeks, squeezing them as they slid their hand down till their hand fell down their face, "Fine,"

"With that... We'll be heading to Homeworld immediately," Blue Diamond sighed as she teared up, "I am so sorry, Y/n. I promised you she wouldn't find you..."

"It's okay," Y/n assured, "I'm glad this happened... I can finally get this squared away,"

"...I hope so," Blue Diamond said, "Please, come with me,"

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