Chapter 2: When the Dust has Settled

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Y/n's fingernail cracked and splintered as they carved another line into the wall. Their index finger twitched as blood began to seep out of the broken nail. They hissed as the raw skin underneath was attacked by the bitter cool air surrounding them. Wincing, they grasped their finger in their other hand and looked at the tallies they had scratched out. There were thirty now, counting today. Thirty days had passed since they were brought to Homeworld. The only way they knew days had passed wasn't because of the crude tally board they had created, but because of the odd meals they were served each day.

Y/n looked over to the assortment of small gelatinous masses they had tossed into the corner of the cell. Y/n refused to eat it; whether out of defiance or disgust, they weren't sure. They did at least drink the water and eat the fruit that occasionally came with the slop. If they could go without food, they would, just to spite Yellow Diamond. Y/n's eyes trailed to the almost invisible door. It had been a while since they last ate and were eagerly waiting for the door to slide open and food to be tossed at them as usual. Instead, when the doors opened, they were greeted by two empty-handed Jasper soldiers.

"Ugh, we gotta touch that thing?" One soldier grunted as she glanced around the room

"Unfortunately," The other soldier said as she stepped inside, "24FG10E, get up,"

"Why?" Y/n glared as they moved backward

"Hey, we're not going to ask you twice," The first soldier said as she entered as well, "Don't make this any harder,"

Y/n growled, almost like a feral animal as they stepped backward. The jaspers frowned as they both approached Y/n and grabbed one arm each, dragging them out of the room and into the halls they had seen just a month before. Y/n tried pulling their arms from the Jaspers' grips, but not only was their grip too strong, Y/n had almost no energy to fight back with. They soon approached another room, one soldier opened the door and threw Y/n inside of it. Y/n groaned as they landed on their chest, putting their arms out to help them sit up.

"Take your clothes off," The first soldier told

"...No," Y/n frowned

The second soldier rolled her eyes as she approached Y/n. She reached for the clip holding their outfit together, but Y/n slapped her hand away. Unhappy with that transgression, the Jasper grabbed Y/n by the throat and slammed them into the wall, "When I tell you to do something you do it," The Jasper growled as she grabbed Y/n's outfit by the top and ripped it off their body, "Understand?"

Y/n grabbed at the hand around their throat and nodded frantically, unable to breathe. The Jasper grunted a "good" then tore off Y/n's underwear, leaving their body fully exposed. The Jasper let go of them and let them fall to the ground, watching as they began coughing and rubbing their throat in pain. Before they could recover and look up, a strong blast of water crashed into their sensitive skin, knocking them back as they choked, the cold, powerful stream covering every inch of their bare body. Y/n raised their hands to protect their face, keeping their eyes shut tight as they sputtered, water dripping from their nose. Soon, the bombardment stopped and Y/n slowly dropped their arms, shivering as water dripped off their body.

"Don't move," A gruff voice said as a series of scanners descended and ran red lasers down their body

"It's underweight," Another nasally voice said

"By how much?" The gruff voice asked

"20 pounds about," The nasally voice said, "Did it consume the nutrient packages provided?"

"There was a pile of them in the corner," The gruff voice said, "It refuses to eat,"

"...I'll get a feeding tube ready. Hopefully, we'll only have to use it once and it'll learn its lesson," The nasally voice said

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