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The next day at school was even worse than my first day, as if my bandaged limbs already did not give people enough reason to stare, then having a newly acquired personal bodyguard sure did.

"Tyler, please give me back my bag, my hands are fine."

"Nope. I will not allow you to lift a single finger." He insisted, stalking off like a man on mission.

Sighing in defeat, I could only follow after him as he headed towards my locker. The guy had been waiting for me at the drop off area and had snatched my duffel bag from the passenger seat before I had time to get out of the car.

On the way, I lost count of how many people he greeted and exchanged complicated handshakes with. The not so inconspicuous smirks from the guys and scornful scowls from the cheerleaders were also hard to miss as their eyes lingered on me.

"I didn't know you got a new job." Jordan eyed the duffel bag in Tyler's hand with distaste as he blocked our path.

"Well, now you do." Tyler replied in a playful tone.

It was clear Tyler had no intention of leaving me alone, thus with an exasperated eyeroll, Jordan walked off.

"Don't you have a class to get to?" I questioned, praying he had a class far away from mine.

"Nope, we have the same first period." He answered without looking back at me.

"How do you know?" I picked up my pace to match his long strides.

"I checked your schedule of course." A hint of smugness laced his words.

Giving forth an effluvium, I decided to raise the white flag and surrender to his request whilst wishing for the day to end soon.

Hard as it may be to believe, but I was looking forward to gym class.

For one, it was basically a free period since I had the doctor's permission to sit out for two weeks. An added bonus was the fact that Tyler was in a different gym class, meaning I could be freed from his incessant tailing for just a little while.

"Harrington!" The gym teacher, who I learned was also the football coach, hollered.

Walking over to the tracks, I tried my best to ignore the hushed whispers from the students and the intimidating glare from Jordan.

"I need you to be the timekeeper, tell those who have finished their time." He instructed, handing me a stopwatch.

I obliged, situated myself at the starting line and got ready to press the start button.

Everyone gathered around and sped off just as the coach blew his whistle. Unsurprisingly, Jordan raced ahead of the class. His agile speed and toned long legs putting as much distance as possible from those gaining up on him.

"4 minutes 27 seconds." I announced after he had finished running two laps.

Without even stopping to catch his breath, he brushed past me and headed for the changing rooms. Subsequently, more people came to me for their timings after they have finished.

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