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"Seeing you look so pathetic actually makes me want to pity you." Jordan laughed, the sound rang loud and clear in the gravely quiet night.

Not bothered to deal with him, I stood up from the ground with wobbly knees and turned around to walk back the way I came.

Just as I was passing him, his hand reached out to grab my limp wrist, "Leaving so soon?"

I tried shrugging him off but that only caused his fingers to tighten, indicating that he wasn't about to let go. These people were so used to having things go their way they wouldn't back down until they were fully satisfied.

"What exactly are you doing? Let go. Now." Purposefully enunciating each word like I would to a kid, I was glad the shakiness in my voice could not be detected.

I've had enough of people stepping all over me, for tonight at least. Which was why I was adamant on not taking a step back if he wasn't going to.

"Why should I?" Jordan fired back.

"What are you? Five? I'm not in the mood for any of your games so let me go while I'm still asking you nicely." I warned, my patience running dangerously thin.

"Or what?" He rebutted, detaching his fingers from my wrist whilst quickly placing a hand on the curve of my waist, swiftly drawing my back towards him.

"Are you going to step on my feet too?" He whispered, his mouth right next to my ear as I felt his hot breath fan my neck.

Drawing in a sharp breath, I willed my mind to refocus, the closeness between us was fogging up my brain more than I'd liked to admit.

"I just might." My voice was raspy and unsteady, like I was choking on air.

"Want to know a secret?" He murmured, so softly I could have mistaken it for a passing breeze.

I didn't respond, I couldn't even if I wanted to, it felt like my mouth was taped shut.

"I enjoy leaving behind helpless people, especially girls like you."

For some reason, this sentence didn't surprise me as much as it should. Maybe I was expecting something far worst coming from a sadistic a-hole.

Twisting around to face him, I replied in an unusually calm voice. "Good thing I'm used to it then."

His brows instantly furrowed a little, eyes still passive but now with a concealed layer of confusion, as if he couldn't quite comprehend what I had just said.

In that moment, it suddenly clicked in my head that our faces were so close, so close that I could have counted every single eyelash he had framing those dark eyes. Eyes that were still sweeping all over my face, seemingly searching for an answer far beyond his reach.

To any passerby, our intimate position would have looked compromising, especially with the intense stare and pressed chests. If you looked at it from my point of view though, it would be an entirely different story. My body felt uncomfortable in it's awkward position and a thin layer of sweat covered every visible inch of skin exposed to the humid September air.

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