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We arrive in India, pick up our bags &get picked up by Kenny. We went straight to the hotel, right after i finished unpacking Kenny comes in the room and told me Justin's coming in a few minutes so I went into his room while the others are across the hall in our rooms. I wait for about 7 minutes until he finally gets here. He opens the door &I'm under the bed sheets. He puts his hat glasses watch& chains on the counter, takes

off his shoes, goes into the, bathroom sings a little washes his face with water then takes his shirt off then drops himself on the bed beside me, his hands are over his face while he's saying my name then says

J:we're almost there Lou woooo I love you wooooo

When he says woooo he sings it in a deep voice. After a few more minutes of wooing he gets on his phone &calls somebody, all of a sudden my phone starts ringing. He does a huh voice then looks around the room he looks under the bed & is about to look where I am but I answer the phone before he could

L:hey babe I was just listening to your voice

J:hey wow there's really good reception in here you sound really great it sounds like you're here

L:you sound tired &yeah I can hear you perfectly too.

J:yeah I am I really am cuz I swear I heard your phone ringing when I was calling you. Probably just lovesick.

L:okay just stay in bed get under the covers close your eyes think of me, imagine I'm there lying on your chest &you're rubbing my hair...


L:you know what I mean.

After I hang up he says

J:wait how did you know I was already in bed?

He gets under the covers and tickles me with his feet on my neck I couldnt take it anymore so then I move on his chest and he runs his hands really hard on my head. I laugh &say

L:babe you're tired so am I, just go to sleep

I close my eyes &he opens his &looks at me. He grabs my face in his hands then I move up & say

L:I don't know how

He looks surprised then happy then finally gets that I'm here &kisses me which turns into making out. Our tongues playing happily with each other knowing where to go, as if we just kissed minutes ago. He moves his hands to my waist to pull me into him more while mine are on his neck& back pulling him into me. He gets on top of me &he grabs on my clothes asking for permission to rip them off. I pull back &nod he groans he says over &over

I missed you so freaking much & I love you & other things that are meant to keep private. I say I want you & I love you &whatever you want its yours &other things. He takes my clothes off while he kisses every bare skin I have on my body. I'm grabbing on his back while I kiss everything above his torso. Once he takes all my clothes off he grabs on my underwear asking to rip them off also. I pull back &say while breathing heavily

L:you had your turn now it's mine, birthday boy

J:my birthday isn't until three days so my turn isn't done yet, but anyways shouldn't I decide what I want since it's my birthday?

L:oh yeah I guess your present will have to wait until then.

I get my clothes & start to put them on,Justin wraps his arms around me after I put on my jeans. I put on my shirt but dont button it.I stop& he says

J:yeah until my 25th birthday at least. I love you

He kisses my cheek &neck over&over&I say

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