10 || will and george

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for the like 5 different people on wattpad, tumblr and ao3 that asked for this uwu can't believe how fast y'all asked for a second part honestly

read 06 || will and george for context thanx x


Will isn't quite sure how he got here. The last coherent thing he can recall was asking Alex about his apparent request for George to choke him, or whatever it was he had asked. He can't actually remember what happened after Alex had laughed sheepishly, blushing a raspberry pink high on his cheeks – only that he'd found himself in Alex's room not long after.

Now he doesn't know what to do. He's straddling Alex's waist and scarcely got his hands around his neck. He isn't sure he can do this, really.

"I–" Will starts. "I'm not sure if I c'n do this." He voices his thought. Below his hands, Will can feel Alex swallow heavily before his hands are nudged away.

"That's fine," Alex reassures in a soft voice. "Y'don't have to do anything, Will." He sits up and cups his face in both hands, thumb repeating a wiping motion on his cheeks. It's more comforting than Will thought it would be, even if it does feel a little ridiculous.

"I just–I don't think I could do that m'self. I want to see it–" His breath hitches at the image his mine provides; Alex gasping for whatever air he can get, gripping at a wrist and encouraging fingers to tighten around his throat further. "But I don't think I can do it, love."

"And that's fine." Alex reassures again. "Anythin' you don't want t'do is fine. I'm not gonna force you to do anything."

George hums in agreement somewhere to his left. Will almost forgot he was there, to be honest. "I can do it – if you want to watch it happen." He sidles up beside the two, a comforting hand resting on Will's lower-back.

"Yeah?" Will breathes, looking at the shorter boy. Alex makes a sound of agreement below him.

George nods and leans up into him to catch his lips, pressing up against Will in a way that makes him a little dizzy from how he craves more. "Just sit back 'nd enjoy, yeah?" George gently nudges him away, and Will lets him take his place on Alex's lap – the shorter boy happily accommodates the change and lays back down.

A gentle hand rests against the base of Alex's throat and a thumb curves over the bump of his Adam's apple. "Kick me or somethin' if it gets too much?" George offers. Will can't understand how he's so confident right now when he has his hands at somebody's throat.

Alex nods as best he can and begins to whisper a verbal confirmation too, but Will sees a smirk appear on George's lips before he can finish as he tightens his fingers around the base of Alex's throat. The effect is instant as Alex is cut off from whatever he was about to say, his eyelids fluttering and a weak gasp spilling from his mouth. He's just as pretty as Will was assuming he would be, and they've barely even started.

George loosens his grip as he braces his weight on his knees, shuffling his stance upwards so he's sitting more on Alex's stomach than his lap. The youngest man draws a breath – that he probably doesn't need yet – and his eyes flicker to Will with a pert smile.

"You alright there, Will?" Alex asks. He sounds unnecessarily breathy already, and Will wouldn't doubt that he's putting some of it on for show. But it's suddenly very evident to Will that neither him or his dick care about the details.

George fixes his other hand underneath Alex's chin, letting out a brief sigh himself when the man beneath him swallows heavily. "I think he's enjoying it, Alex." His tone is teasing, intending to be mocking towards Will – even though he knows George is just as affected by the sight. "Want t'give him something he can actually get off to, though?"

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