16 || james

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for mikey uwu this fic is already happening irl why do u need me to write it

also, as a note that i want everybody to read:

i dont think i can fulfil every request i get from now - i enjoy writing a lot and the things people ask me to write is a huge honour to be given, but sometimes i just.....cant get a clear mind on what to write yknow?? ill always write down what im asked to anyway just in case i get sudden inspiration, but unfortunately i dont want to burn myself out like this again or oversaturate ideas etc dfgh its a huge pleasure for me to write for people and hearing the feedback of them liking it etc, but i cant force myself to write EVERYTHING without wanting 2 die so. just. bear with me and sorry if i don't write what you ask/have asked for, i will always have it in my list, but i just cant force these things xx


It's just an idea at first, and that's it. An idea to play up their relationship to cash in more views on their podcast. Just being a bit more touchy-feely, nothing more.

It works too; their views go up quite considerably just over a few tender looks and a hug that spread around Twitter like wildfire. It's quite amazing to James just how easily it worked.

"Do you two have to do this in every video?" George sighs exasperatedly, leaning his head on the palm of his hand as he watches them. "I mean – I doubt half my viewers are even gonna care about whether you're dating or not."

"We're not dating," James interjects, lifting his unoccupied hand to point at George. "It's just for views. For that sweet cash flow we so desperately need."

"You don't even get a cut of my ad revenue, if I get any." George sighs and waves it off. "Fine, whatever. Be gay together as much as you want, just don't–don't kiss or anything like that on my videos."

Alex snorts and tightens his hand around James'. "Maybe we will just to spite you."

"No, you won't." George answers back quickly. "You won't 'cause you two only kiss when you're drunk, don't you?" He smirks, mostly at James for that. Alex coughs to clear his throat.

"It would get your views up, mate," Alex throws out weakly. "The other half of your viewers are fans of us anyway."

"Go on then," George shrugs, "Kiss. Do it right now."

"I'm not drunk enough for that, George." James shakes his head. Alex's hand clasped in his own tenses briefly. "Would rather not kiss the bathwater-slurping gremlin when I can remember it."

Alex sighs and leans back in his seat. "That joke's dead. It's not even funny anymore, James."

"Sorry, love." James hums almost sympathetically, but the smirk on his lips tells otherwise. "You know I can't resist bullying you."

"You two are disgusting." George spits out through a sigh, turning away to check the recording time. James takes the chance to run his thumb over the bump of Alex's joint. "We need about five more minutes and I already have to cut this out. So stop the flirting and just pay attention, yeah?"

They both agree absently and sit back up to actually take part in the video. Out the corner of his eye, James can see Alex stifling a grin behind his hand.


James isn't exactly sure when they said they'd stop. He isn't sure that they actually said they would stop. Maybe he and Alex had silently agreed for it to go on indefinitely.

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