Chapter 2

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"What no aren't you on the pill?" Honestly I stopped taking the pills a few months ago I didn't see the reason to but he didn't need to know that. Right? "Yeah of course" " Then we're good." I looked at my phone. " Hey I have to go I'll talk to you later ok?" "Ok baby love you drive safe." He saids as he kisses my cheek I walk out feeling worse then before.

As I reached the door Nathan stopped me " Soo..." "I did it." "Did what tell him?" "No I had sex with him I can't break his heart." I stated " You told me to have sex with him so he thinks that the baby's his not yours so your off the hook ok I gotta go." With that I left got in my car and drove off.

Ethan's P.O.V.

As I lay in bed I turn to see Scarlet's jacket I got up threw on a shirt and jogging pants and ran down stairs to give it to her before she leaves but I stop at the top of the stairs to see her and Nathan talking when I hear
" You told me to have sex with him so he thinks that the baby's his and not yours ok your off the hook ok I gotta go." I'm shocked she pregnant with Nathan's baby and only had sex with me so I can raise his kid and thinking it's mine she lied to me and she's gonna lie to me some more.

I became pissed at that thought I stormed down stairs "YOU KNOCKED UP MY GIRLFRIEND!!" " Bro look it was an accident it happened at a party we were drunk we weren't thinking bro I promise." " That's why she's here in you're room she told you and you told her to sleep with me so I think the kids mine no not gonna happen I'm not raising your mistake!" The look on Nathan's face as filled with anger when I said that.

With that he squared me right in the face. As I got up I attacked him we're fighting breaking everything in our path until our parents walked in and broke us up "What's going on!" My mom yelled "With blood dripping from my lip and forehead I spoke up "Nathan knocked Scar up and he told her to sleep with me so I could think the baby's mine " "That's no excuse for destroying the house clean this up and go to your rooms." My dad said

Scarlet's P.O.V.

I get home the whole house smells like my mom's famous chili but it makes me but the smell of it makes me want to puke I run to the closest bathroom and puke everything in my stomach.

My mom's hears me " Oh honey are you ok are you getting sick where's your jacket?" I was tired of lying so it was all or nothing I took a deep breath and told her "Mom." I close my eyes so I don't have to see her face "I'm pregnant." I finally say after what feels like forever I open my eyes to see my mom with her hand over her mouth.

"How I thought you and Ethan were being careful?" My mom said pacing back and forth we were now in the living room. "Am I getting kicked out?" I was hoping she wouldn't "No sweetie of course not. Now tell me is Ethan the father?" " No it's Nathan's baby." I said slowly "What how when!" My mom screamed I just got her to sit down and she shot back up like a rocket.

" Two weeks ago at a party we got drunk and I followed him up stairs and the rest is a blur." "So you weren't at Becca's?" " No I woke up at the house the party was at next to Ethan's brother." I said shamelessly "Have you told Ethan?"

"No i got him to have sex  with me with no condom and in two weeks I was gonna tell him it's his." "Are you stupid you know he's gonna figure it out you know ?" "Yeah I know." "Go to your room your grounded for a month bring me your computer and I'm changing the wifi password if you need it for homework you can use the computer in my office."

The next day

I woke up running to the bathroom again puking my head off my mom comes in to pull my hair back " it's only for the first trimester then no more morning sickness." "I honestly can't wait." I say as I get off the floor to brush my teeth my mom walks out "Get ready for your first day of school."

As I got through my closet I find the perfect outfit it's the first day of my senior year and I'm spending it pregnant what a joke right but people say no baby is a mistake they are all gifts and this is one gift I can't return I've decided to keep the baby if I gave the baby up for adoption I didn't want him or her to grow up thinking that I didn't want him or her besides it's not like I'm poor my parents are loaded and we have a room that we can turn into a nursery that's attached to my bathroom.

As I finished getting ready for school I grab an apple and on the counter I see a pill jar and and note next to it:

Hey sweetie take these once a day they are prenatal pills to keep you and the baby healthy.

I open the pill bottle took one pill grabbed a cup of water and run the pills up to my room so I won't lose them and ran out the house into my car and drove to school as I pull into the school parking lot I see Ethan's car so I run inside to the office to get my schedule and headed to my locker as I put my stuff away and have the stuff I need for my first class my locker gets slammed shut it's Ethan looking pissed holding my jacket "Oh my jacket thanks baby." I say with a smile on my face as I go to reach for it he pulls it away.

"Do you really think I'm stupid?" He asks I'm taken back not knowing what's going on. "Baby what are you talking about?" "I know your pregnant with my brothers baby how can you do this to me." tears falling from his eyes "But baby." I say with tears in my eyes "it was an accident we were drunk." " Yeah and I would've accepted that but you tricked me into having unprotected sex with you so you can tell me that the kids mine that's fucked up I'm sorry but we're done." And with that he left.

I ran to the bathroom feeling sick to my stomach I puke after I finish I sit on the floor in the stall and start crying.

Soon I heard heels clicking I put my handover my mouth so no one can hear me "Hey did you hear Scarlet the Harlet is Preggo by Nathan and tried to tell Ethan it's his what a joke!" They already have a nickname for me I looked through the crack to see it's Madison and her bitch pack she's slept with twice as many guys I did and she's calling me a slut. "But don't worry I'll help him forget all about her when he's in my bed." She says after walking out I finished the rest of my classes and went home.

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