Chapter 3

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I am now 8 weeks pregnant I haven't talked to Ethan or Nathan my mom is taking me to my first baby appointment to see if everything is ok I'm in my room looking at my stomach in the mirror I already had a tiny baby bump but it looked bigger then it should but my mom said all pregnancies are different I'm going after school the app says my baby is the size of a grape.

Nathan keeps looking at me as I pass him in the hall I refuse to talk to him and Ethan is now dating Madison it's no secret she all over him every minute of every day I can tell he's not happy with her he's just with her to spite me I miss him I want to just talk to him but he wants nothing to do with me.

I look away before I start to cry my mom says it's the hormones but and i know that's half true I go to my locker to switch my books for my next class as soon as I close my locker Nathan comes up to me "Scarlett please talk to me your having my baby we need to talk about a plan for when the baby comes." "Ugh fine I have an appointment for a ultrasound today after school you can come if you want." I sat as I roll my eyes and close my locker as I start to walk away Nathan stops me "Hey Scar let me walk you to your next class!" "Ok I guess"

  After school

I called my mom telling her that Nathan was taking me to my baby appointment so she didn't need to take me. And that I will bring home extra pictures of the baby's ultrasound with that I hung up got into Nathan's car and off we went to the appointment.

Women's care center

We walked in and I went up to the front desk " Hi I have an appointment under Jones?" I waited until the nurse taps away on the keyboard 'Ah Yes Scarlett Jones for an ultrasound room 105 the Dr will be with you shortly!" She was happy and cheerful and kinda cringey I walk to the room got on the bed and sat there waiting for the ultrasound technician to show up.

After waiting 10 minutes the ultrasound technician finally shows up with the doctor so I can ask some questions "Hey Scarlett I'm Stacy your ultrasound technician let's lay you down and have a look at the baby ok?" "Ok." I simply say as I lift up my shirt " This is gonna be cold!" She states as she squirts some blue gel on my stomach I almost jumped out of the bed cause of how cold it is at the technician stifles a laugh.

As Stacy puts the wand on my small bump I look at the screen and Stacy gasped and said"Congrats your having twins!" I double looked at the screen I saw two small blobs on the screen and heard both heart beats I started crying in was overwhelmed I was prepared to take care of one baby not two Nathan then grabbed my hand and said"Scar we got this your not alone." With sincere in his eyes "Well that explains why my stomach is bigger then it should be." I giggled "Come back in a month for a regular check up and your due date is July 25th."Ok will do can I get extra ultrasound pictures and a disc of my ultrasound?" I asked "Sure I can do that." Stacy states and with that we left.

We get into Nathan's car and drove off to my house "Are you hungry Scar?" Nathan asks "You know I have a big craving for a Cheesy Potato Burrito and a large Nacho Fries from Taco Bell with a large Baja blast please and thank you." You say with a big smile on my face "Ok." He says "oh with extra jalapenos." I blurted out "yes ma'am." Nathan says as he gives me a small salute smiling showing his dimple I look out the window blushing.

After we go to Taco Bell he drops me off at my house I go to my room nobodies home yet I go on my laptop and start picking out names I made a small list of boy names and girl names:

Boy Names:       Girl names:

William            Emma
Benjamin         Sophia
Noah                 Evelyn
Oliver               Grace
Daniel               Luna
Jack                   Harper

After I was done with picking out names I sent the list to Nathan I finished eating my food I closed my laptop went to my bed turning on the TV putting on netflix I decided to put on Jane the virgin and got lost in the TV and fell asleep after 4 episodes I woke up to the sound of my mom knocking on the door before opening it "Hi sweetie how was the Dr appointment?" She asked with a smile on her face I know she's gonna freak out when I tell her I'm having twins "I uh..." I was so nervous the words didn't want to come out "I'm having twins mom." I say as I hand her the ultrasound photo  she's silent for a second then she starts screaming and jumping up and down "OMG SWEETIE I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" "Mom indoor voice I'm pretty sure nasa heard you from space." I joke my dad comes running in he knows I'm pregnant he was mad at first but he got over it pretty fast "What's with the screaming?" He asks "I'm having twins daddy." I show him the ultrasound photo " Congrats honey" my dad says while giving me a hug.

After my parents left I get a text from Nathan.

Nathan: I like Grace and Sophia for twin girls Noah and Oliver for twin boys and Daniel and Luna for one boy and one girl

Scarlett: Me too

I reply they were good names I don't want to name my kids Emma and Emily or Jack and Jill or Heaven and Nevaeh cause Nevaeh is Heaven backwards or Gabby and Ali or Blake and jake. That just tacky like Lana and Lena like no and I'm not gonna dress them the same maybe for Christmas or Easter and there birthday but that's it and with different hair styles so I can tell them apart. My phone dinged it was a text from Nathan.

Nathan: I hope it twin boys put both of them in football like me

Scarlett: What if it's girls??

Nathan: I'm not ready to dress up in a dress for tea parties.

Scarlett: I am lol but what if it's one boy and one girl that way you get your boy and I get my girl.

Nathan: Unless you turn my boy into a Mamas boy.

Scarlett: Yea like your not gonna turn my girl into daddies little princess

Nathan: Whatever we get I'll be happy as long as they're healthy

Scarlett: Me too

Nathan: Come over we can watch a movie or something.

My heart jumped at that text from Nathan I took a deep breath and answered back.

Scarlett: Sure be there in ten

Nathan: Bet see you in a bit

Scarlett: Kk

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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