5 - Golden Hour

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(By me) (Non apocalypse AU) Summary: Violet finds out Minnie is cheating on her with her best friend and storms out the restaurant with her ruined surprise for her now ex girlfriend in hand, and runs into someone.

Narrators POV

It didn't go as planned. Louis was supposed to be playing piano while it happened, but when Violet went into the bathroom, she saw something she thought she would never see. A horrifying scene to say the least.

They were currently on the main streets of LA, in one of the most fanciest casual places she could find. Yes she was in college, but she was no millionaire. She got by.

She planned on proposing to Minnie. The girl she had hopelessly been in love with since she was sixteen, but only got more broken than she already was.

"May I take your order now ladies? Any drinks? Food?" A man said walking up to them. He was dressed in such a way he blended in perfectly. Not too over the top, but not baggy and homeless looking. A simple white button up with black jeans.

"What do you want babe?" Violet asked with a smile, looking over at her girlfriend of almost 6 years, only to find she had her head in her iPhone again. This had been going on for the past few months and it didn't really worry Violet, until she started being less enthusiastic with her and their weekly dates.

"Huh? Oh um.... just drinks for now. I'll have an ice tea please." The red head says with her famous flashy smile, winking at Violet subtly before shoving herself into her phone again.

The blonde was sort of disappointed. The table she rented was expensive, and had a view of the live city, as it was a few stories up, apart of a series of restaurants connected through levels. They took an elevator for crying out loud.

She also had dressed up a little too. Instead of her normal blue jeans and plain t-shirt, she went for tight black skinny jeans, a white button up tucked in, and a black blazer. Her blonde hair in her infamous wild style.

Not far from them was a stage, with a microphone stage, piano and a guitar sitting perfectly in line with each other. Violet's best friend Louis sat, warming up his fingers by playing little tunes and quirky fast notes. A small crowd watched him play with awe.

"Whatcha looking at, Minz?" Violet said goofily, putting her head in her hands. Her eyes were filled with poisoned love, they blinded the true reality.

"Oh...um... Instagram." Minnie said suddenly and awkwardly, turning off her phone and giving her girlfriend a toothless smile. The blonde nodded and put her hand on top of her girlfriend's, before glancing outside of the window.

"The sunset is beautiful." Minnie complimented, turning her head from the window to Violet. It was golden hour, the sky was grazed with colours.

"Not as beautiful as some people." The blonde whispered, her face soft and relaxed.

Minnie smiled awkwardly and turned her head cutely. "Cheesy." The red head grinned, but then exited their moment as her phoned vibrated in her pocket. She glanced down at it subtly and then coughed.

"Hey Violet, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back okay?" Minnie said hurriedly with a smile, tucking in her chair and smoothing out her dress.

"Okie." Violet commented adorably. She turned to talk to Louis, who was on the stage, only to find he wasn't there.


Getting out the velvet coloured box from her blazer, Violet opened it and glanced at the ring. She prayed it was enough for Minnie, as she was very picky and materialistic with things. It was around five thousand dollars, a large and simple diamond looking gem with a plain silver band to go with it.

After around ten minutes, Violet realised that she needed to pee really badly.

Getting up out of her seat, she tucked the box back into her blazer and headed into one of the private bathrooms. She then only realised Minnie still wasn't back, or Louis.

With a yawn, she opened to the door only to see a sight that made tears form in her eyes.

Sat against one of the sinks was Minnie, the thin straps of her dress were pulled down to her waist as her bra was exposed freely. Louis was hungrily kissing up and down from her neck to her jaw, his dark hands roaming up and down her body.


The two immediately stopped and glanced over at the doorway. They looked like deers in headlights. They had been caught.

Violet grimaced. Her vision was dimmed and she couldn't feel her legs. Through the tears and struggles to breathe, she spoke up.

"Don't you dare speak! You can have your fucking ring back!"

"Wait Vi-."

Before Louis could even talk, the blonde sprinted out of the restaurant furiously, her surprisingly expensive black shoes slamming against the wet ground.

She walked and walked until she found herself at the park. It was almost night now, and there was only a speck of orange and pink in the sky.

She sat down at an empty bench, and just let the tears fall silently. There wasn't any sobs, sniffles or yelps. Just silent, wet tears, one by one dripping down her face like waterfalls.

Violet closed her eyes, and a few minutes later she heard sniffles beside her. Curiously, she opened her eyes only to find a tan girl crying next to her.

"You okay?" The blonde managed to choke out, her eyes red and puffy. It really didn't look cute to her.

The tan girl froze and met her gaze. Her eyes were a stunning brown, and that was when Violet's heart stopped.

"I don't know. I'm in a fancy dress, it's 6pm and I'm crying on a public park bench, venting to a stranger. You don't look too good either blondie." The chocolate eyed girl commented, glancing at Violet's disheveled appearance and tears.

"Huh, I'm not. Proposal gone wrong, cheating....y-yeah I'm just not the greatest." Violet mumbled, playing with her fingers. It was now dark, and the moon shone upon her ocean eyes, making them glow.



"My names Clementine. You?"

Violet smiled and tilted her head playfully. "It's Violet, honey orbs."

"Honey orbs, really?" Clementine giggled, moving closer to Violet on the bench.

"What! Your eyes are like....amazing...okay!" Violet said in a defending tone, raising her arms lightly.

"Well is that case, so are yours pretty blonde." This comment made Violet's cheeks go a deep shade of red. The two young girls then just turned to look at the stars in silence, before Clementine spoke up.

"Hey, you're probably not in a overly happy or talkative mood, so here.... h-have my number." The tan girl smiled at Violet and gave her a crumpled up piece of paper. The blonde girl retrieved the paper and brushed hands with Clementine, she felt something weird in the pit of her stomach.

Clementine then checked her watch and sighed, "Hey blondie, I gotta go but... I'll see you around hopefully?" The hope in the brunettes tone was clear and evident.

Violet thought for a moment. She didn't want to think about that snake and her ex best friend. In all honesty she didn't really want to talk at all, but maybe this brown eyed girl could be the best friend she never got to have.

"Yeah.... hopefully Clementine." The blonde gave the brunette a toothy smile, and found herself glancing at Clementine's figure as she walked away into the black night, through the city streets.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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