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After being bored for a few hours they're about to send us to our rooms to sleep. Some kid wasn't having any of that. A girl around my age with patchy freckles all over her face and arms complains to one of the overseers about how there's nothing to do in the sleeping areas and that she's not tired or something. I'm only half listening. All I know is she's holding everyone up. I'm leaning against the wall that I've practically claimed by the chess board. I hit the back of my head against it lazily while wishing my mind wasn't as blank as it is. I close my eyes letting out an irritated sigh. The only time I've let my guard down even a bit here I'm instantly attacked.

"Hey! You're new! Staying long?" A hand from the right grabs my shoulder I instantly retaliate with a shove to the owner. They reel back rocking on one heel and catching theirself with the other. After getting balanced they look pissed. Before they're able to yell at me or rat me out I make their mistake clear.

"I'm sorry." Not really. "Just don't touch me." I really don't want any interactions here. It'll just keep me locked up longer. Their eyes burn brightly in my direction with extreme anger. I didn't even push them that hard..? I stare them down expecting a punch. Nothing. "It's just a reflex" I explain. They turn to walk with their friends as the line finally starts moving, shooting me a nasty glare. I can't help a smile cracking it's way through my bland facade. Covering my mouth a snort followed by a few stifled laughs pour out of my mouth. It feels so foreign

Before I knew it they're charging at me and swing a fist at my head. I didn't have trouble dodging so they hit the wall making a small dent. As usual my brain doesn't tell me to stop fast enough as I bow wrapping an arm around their rib cage supporting the weight on my shoulder and other hand gripping their leg. I straighten myself flipping them feet in the air instantly letting go to have gravity do the work for me. The sound of my victims skull smashing into the floor with a sickening squish broke me out of my apathetic trance. The sound didn't match, maybe I imagined it. At my feet they lay, the top of their head leaking blood through their hair.

I wonder if they're unconscious.

I can't pull my eyes away feeling the silence in the room. I know everyone's looking at me. My only option is to sit on the ground and examine the body. Their eyes flutter open locked on mine in an instant they're grabbing for my neck. They're much too weak to do any harm. A limp hand circles my neck. It flops off my shoulder as they lay back down given up.

Some old guys usher the two of us to asy. They place us in two chairs across the room from each other. A nurse examines my counter part, they shine a flashlight past their eyes, check hearing, the typical for a head injury. Asy and I wait for the nurse to finish quietly. My 'victim' assures that they're fine. They clean the abrasion on their head that has stopped bleeding. They whisper to each other.

After the nurse is satisfied they leave the room leaving my victims eyes only on me. I let out a nervous cough feeling it'd be best if I disappeared. I stare at the fake plant in the corner attempting to break their gaze. Asy starts with,

"So what exactly happened?" They didn't miss a beat,

"He shoved me for being a nice person just saying hi." They whine. "Then he flipped me onto my head! I probably have a concussion now!" I pretend not to be listening. Asy asks for my side of the story to which I give a small shrug still staring at the plant.

most the time i wish nothing existed (an error!sans mamacq alternative ending)Where stories live. Discover now