Part 32

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Hi sissy's... here with next part. I know u were waiting and I took little more time to update. Sry for that. Lets start now...

After discharging ragini came home with baby. She was expecting sanskar to take her to home. But Milan took her to home.

She entered her room. Everything was messy. Anyone can clearly tell that sanskar did it in anger. She felt bad.

Whole day she was alone. She was expecting sanskar to join her and baby.

Sanskar came at night. He saw ragini sitting beside baby on bed. He went near baby and took her in his arms. A smile appeared on his face. Ragini also smiles seeing him happy. He started to play with baby. He took toy and showing to baby. Ragini happily forwarded other toy to san. But he ignored and took another. Ragini felt sad.

 Ragini felt sad

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After some time baby starts to cry.

Rag: she's hungry.

He silently went from there ignoring her. She feeds baby.

For few days it happened same. Ragini every time tried to talk to him but get ignored every time.

One evng she sees sanskar drinking alcohol. She shocked. After marriage he never even took its name. coz of ragini he left many things. She goes to him.

Rag: sankar.

San was silent.

Rag: sanskar pls listen to me. Only once.

She saw him still silent.

She cryingly took bottle in front of him and started to drink in one go.

San shouted at her: ragini, WTH r u doing?

He took bottle from her hand and throws it.

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San: do u know wat u r doing? It'll affect not only u for our baby also.

Rag: ur drinking is effecting me. Tell wat shall I do? M dyeing each moment. I cant live like this. Pls sanskar, don't do this to me. I accept my mistake. I shud not do. But don't give this much big punishment for me. Ur ignorance kills me. Pls forgive me.

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