3: oscars

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the Oscars were supposed to be fun, but the only fun part was the before and the after.
watching the celebrities trickle in with their designer dresses and dates, seeing the inside of the best parts of fame, getting free drinks and talking to people with the same passions as you; how could it not be?
delilah felt out of place. she stared at the people around her and felt small, any girl would. she was significantly younger than most people there, and hadn't been in any big movies, so why was she even told to come? when she got the call from her manager he had said it was for "inspiration of what you can become" but it made her feel the exact opposite. she felt insignificant in this huge industry, how would she make it?
lorelei could tell something was up. she grabbed delilah's hand and wouldn't let go until they had arrived to their seats. stella on the other hand was thrilled just to be in the room with famous people. once they got to their seats, the 3 girls sat waiting for the show to begin as they chatted away.
the empty seat by delilah was yet to be filled five minutes before the show opened. she was confused but didn't think anything of it until he sat down. she looked over to introduce herself and realized she knew exactly who he was. timothée chalamet .
she stared at him for a couple moments, taking in how breathtaking he was actually up close, until she noticed his head shifting away from the woman next to him and turning her way. she whipped her head to pretend to be engaged with whatever stella was saying.
"you know i never understood why pantyhose were invented. like are my legs supposed to be a different color from the rest of my body? it's ridiculous!"
delilah wasn't sure how that exactly came up, but she kept fake listening anyway until she felt a tap on her shoulder. slowly she turned around to see timothée smiling at her.
"uh hi, i'm timothée i think i've seen you in something before?" he said smiling and furrowing his brows.
"oh! um probably not i'm not actually nominated or anything..." she trailed off feeling sort of embarrassed for not being as big as the star beside her.
"no no, weren't you in that movie... oh what's it called... oh! Mad With Misery! gosh that film was beautiful. you were exceptional playing fiona."
delilah was grinning but didn't quite know how to respond. " wow wow! thank you so much. i'm a big fan of you. it really means a lot."
he looks at her for a moment and she realizes she hasn't introduced herself.
"oh my, i'm so sorry. i'm delilah lamont. so so nice to meet you."
the two chatted for a moment and then the show began. throughout, they would whisper little words to one another, trying to make the other laugh out loud.
lorelei observed her best friend talking to this famous stranger. she hadn't seen delilah that happy in a long time.
the show seemed to go on forever, stella was beyond anxious and went to the bathroom at least eight times just to move her legs. in between the show there was breaks where finally delilah introduced the girls.
"timothée, these are my best friends, lorelei and stella."
"it's a pleasure to meet you both" he said with a soft smile
the girls looked at one another then at timothée smiling a little too wide.
"why the pleasure is all ours! i've been listening to you make delilah laugh for most of the show, maybe instead of an actor you should be a comedian!" stella says on a playful voice.
timothée laughs and delilah shoots stella a death glare before fake laughing with him.
"well i can stop of you think that's necessary"
he says playing along.
"oh yes please do, i'm far too captivated by the show to listen to her try to hold back laughter anymore" lorelei said looking at a red delilah.
delilah doesn't get embarrassed easily, but you would too if a man who looked like timothée say by you.
"well mom, dad," she looked at lorelei than stella, "i'm going to laugh even harder now, so if you will excuse me," she said turning back to timothée.
the show went on for another couple hours, seeming to be never ending. finally it did however, and that's when the after party fun began.

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