Truth or Dare

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Amy's POV

the next morning we got dressed and Bart mad us meet each other and get to know all of us.

We went to the guys's room, I was wearing a light white crop top and black shorts and some boots, mahogany wore a pink dress with a bandana, Allison wore a black crop top short with high waisted black and white stripes

We went next door to they guys's room,

Hey we said

Hey they yelled

Let's play truth or dare Matthew said,

Ok we said

We sat on the floor and Matthew began.

Allison's POV

I sat across from Cameron,

He kept looking at his watch for some odd reason.

It was my turn

Ok carter truth or dare

Dare!!! He said

Nash started laughing

I wound not pick dare if I was you Nash said

I laughed

OMG!! Tack back!!! Carter started yelling,

To bad I said

I dare you to run to the front desk in ONLY your boxers and start flirting at who ever is there

What is its a boy??

You picked dare I said!!!!

Go on now I said

Fine he said I got my phone and started recording,

We all went downstairs and carter staring doing is think

We laughed so hard because it was a guy

Are you from Tennessee

Cuz your the only ten I see carter said and started laughing

We all started laughing

It was the manager so it was way worse.

Get back in your room the guy said

Are you high?

No but I'm high for you carter said and winked at him

The manager grabbed carter and wales him to the elevator

Haves great nigh said them manager.

We went to the other elevator

OMG!!! That was so funny

Nash said

I smirked I know

Wow Allison

I laughed Cameron kept looking at his watch

We'll I got go to Cameron said

I wonder where......

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