Just cheeky

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The next two lessons dragged with run-throughs of the curriculum and boring first lessons. Lunch finally came and I was more than happy to leave.

I was nearly at the doors, I could see Vampire waiting for me when Talulah and a few of her friends stand in my way.

"I was told you know the new boy?" She said chewing gum loudly

"Very specific, which one?" I ask bored already


It took me a minute to think who it was, seen as I had met 2 new Jacks today but I realised she meant Elijah. "Yeah, Why?"

"No one seems to know where he was before, maybe you could tell us." She smiled sweetly

"If he hasn't told anyone, I'm not going to. If you want to know, go ask him yourself." I said pointing at him.

I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, I could see him ringing me from here

"If you don't mind I have to go," I said pushing past her, out the door when he looked up and cancelled the call

"Thought you had stood me up." He smiled pushing off the railings. He had his sunglasses on and had taken off his jacket showing off his toned, tanned arm. Drawl worthy I can tell you.

"Got held up by the superiors," I said meeting him

"The who?"

"A group that think they are better than everyone else." I said gesturing for him to follow me out of the car park "Did you bring lunch or are you buying?" I asked

"Buying, but I don't know what I want."

"Burritos. We are having burritos." I said leaving no room for discussion

"What if I don't like burritos?"

"Then we can't be friends," I say in all seriousness looking him dead in the eye

"Good thing I like them then." He chuckled putting his arm over my shoulders making us closer, making me a little flustered "I didn't even know there was a place that did burritos."

"It's pretty unknown, I come here most days even when I have lunch to chat with Leah and Max who own the place," I said opening the door to the restaurant. Inside was quite small with only four tables that can each seat 4 people, Max was standing at the counter reading the newspaper, while Leah was cooking in the back singing along to the Spanish music playing.

"Hola Max. Hola Leah." I call getting their attention

"Hola Maine. ¿Cómo estás?" (Hello Maine. How are you?) Max greeted

"Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?" (Good, thank you. And you?) I replied taking a seat at the table nearest the counter

"Muy Bien, gracias. Who's your amigo." He asked as this would be the first time I've ever come with someone

"This is Vampire. The guy who lives next door." I answered her.

"Él es muy guapo." (He is very handsome) Leah commented with a wink through the hatch, making me laugh and blush as I was still getting over the arm on shoulder thing. I looked over at Elijah how was now also blushing.

"Do you speak Spanish?" I asked

"Yeah my dad is half Columbian and mi Abuela (my grandma) speaks very little English so I had to learn at a young age." He said seeming to impress Max and Leah "Thank you, Leah, for the compliment." He thanked

"No problema, what can we get for you two then?" Leah asked coming around from the back so Max could serve another customer that had just come in.

"I'll have the chicken burrito with sour cream and peppers please," I ordered

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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