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"He is the devil, his name is Luther for goodness sake." I could hear the girls behind me talking, Sue was filling in the transfer girl about who we all were and our 'status' in the school

"Susan shut the fuck up or I will personally make sure you go to hell when you die. I am good friends with the reaper and he told me your time is almost up." I said coldly

"I heard that it's better than heaven down there, never-ending party." The new girl smiled

"Only for the ones who deserve it," I winked, making her laugh

Her reply reminded me of Pevensie's sarcastic and quick-fire answers

"I'm Lisa." She said smiling

"Luther Raven or as everyone calls me, the devil," I said before turning back around

"What did he do to be called that?" She tried to whisper

"He brought Hell with him when he crawled up from it." the teacher said as she walked past.

"Damn. I thought I was your favourite student?" I laughed

"I don't have favourites and if I did it wouldn't be a kid like you." She said pointedly, making the class laugh "Right, get out your books. We are covering Romeo and Juliet this term. Can anyone tell me the biggest question about this book?"

"Was it love or lust?" I say to myself not meaning to say it out loud

"Yes. Was it love or lust? That will be the title of the essay you will write at the end of the term, so if I were you I would keep a note for things you would put in it for arguments for and against your point of view." She suggested, "now let's get going I want everyone to read act 1 quietly and then I have a worksheet for you to complete after which you can get from my desk only when you have finished the reading."

Romeo and Juliet was a family favourite, my mum used to read it to me. She loves Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet is her favourite out of all his work. I had read this book so many times I could probably recite you the first act word for word, so I went straight up the front to get the worksheet. I liked English, I think because my mum is a writer I have picked up her love for books and writing too, so I try my best in this class.

I loved understanding a piece of literature and getting behind an author and getting invested in a character. Even though reading is seen as weird for guys you will always find a book in my bag or car.

At my old school, I would go sit by myself and read. I was a loner and the bad boy to everyone but I just didn't want to be there or hang out with them pompous toy soldiers.

But how does one go from loving English literature to hating it in six weeks? Simple, it all depends on the teacher you have. Mrs Clarke had a passion for what she taught whereas Mr Simeon did not. She took the time to understand us from the start and I could tell he would not.

I had been seated next to Max a tall lad with a very laid back attitude.

"You've made a bit of splash here haven't you, everyone is talking about the new boy hanging about with Maine." He said after I introduced myself once I was given my seat.

"What's with that?" I asked completely confused as why people don't seem to like Maine.

"There was a hierarchy and she didn't seem to fit so the ones at the top felt threatened by her and made people outcast her but she made friends where she could but never really hung out with anyone." he said, "But I think this year it's going to be different as she has you and we have loads of new kids this year."

"How has she never let it bother her? I would be fuming." I said annoyed with the whole situation.

"She had a big argument last year with one of the top girls, Talulah. she tried to humiliate Maine for not having friends, but Maine turned it around and completely shredded the girl to bits by asking the people gathered who considered her their friend and then asked who considered Talulah their friend and most people put their hands down. Maine is so feisty, she is sarcastic and over the summer has got even hotter." He told me making me twitch at the last comment.

"I've known her for years, I moved to the house next door to her when I moved to town. She's defiantly not alone now I'm here." I said with certainty.

"She's going to be under more fire now you're here, all dark and mysterious, with every girl staring at you wanting to know more." I don't understand it. Why would they all be so interested in me and why are they so nosey.

"Well they will have to go through me first then, and you can quote me on that."

"I'll keep that in mind." He said smirking

on the next desk over a girl sat down dressed in a bright pink top and tight jeans, she was smiling at me too much for my liking.

"Hi hun, I'm Talulah. I haven't seen you here before so I guess your new this year?" as soon as she said her name I knew she was bad news and she looked familiar for some reason.

"Piss off." I sneered

"Jack! we do not speak to people like that here. Go wait outside for me so we can have a little chat about expectable behaviour." Mr Simeon said pointing at the door.

I rolled my eyes and moved to the door making sure to keep a straight face and not show any annoyance to either person involved.

I didn't need to hear what he had to say, I had probably heard it all by some other teacher at some point.

"Look what the cat dragged in, the Devil returns. How has hell been over the last 6 weeks? Turned any angels recently?" Lisa said as she walked past me into the classroom.

"You know one or two, got one on her way down at the moment." I winked "Oh Lisa, can you not tell people that you know me. I don't want people knowing who I am, or more like who I was if I can help it." I said quietly

"Sure" She nodded "What did you say your name was again?" She teased, she walked in and was told to sit in my seat and my stuff was moved to the back row where I was to sit on my own. Sounded good to me.

"Already in trouble vampire?" I hear behind me, Maine was walking past laughing with a box of art supplies.

"You know just welcoming all the new kids, making sure they have the right class." I lied

"Oh, how kind of you." she shook her head at me knowing I was lying "See you later, remember to wait by the doors for me at lunch." She said walking off to her class

How could anyone not like her?

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