Kissing in the rain // A.I

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"The crowd was amazing!" Ashton practically shouts from the drivers seat. You smile, giggling a bit, as you watch his happy expression grow even happier. "I’m living my dream!" You get goosebumps as he says this. He has been touring with his band mates for the past few months, he just got back last week and he promised that he would take you out. He took you out to a nice restaurant and you were now headed back to your apartment to spend the rest of the night inside. He was in the middle of telling you about their last gig when his smiles fades.

"Shit." He curses under his breath as he slows and starts to pull to the side of the road.

"What?" You ask looking around in confusion.

"I’m out of gas." Once he gets to the side of the road, cuts the engine and leans his head back letting out an annoyed grunt. He rolls his head to the side and shoots you an apologetic look.

"You’re kidding right?" You stare at him waiting to see him turn the key and speed off down the highway, but he doesn’t.

"I wish." He grunts pulling out his phone from his back pocket. He calls a tow service but they say that they can’t get there for another hour or so. "So I guess we wait?" He offers leaning back in his seat. You sit still for a moment but then you unbuckle and step out of the car. You unstrap your wedges throwing them into the back seat before shutting the door, and walk around the car to his door. You pull it open and motion for him to get out and follow you. "What the hell are you doing?" He giggles hesitantly.

"Just follow me, don’t be a baby." You warn as you walk away from him. You hear the door slam behind you and that’s when you take off running. There is a steep incline that blocks your view so you can’t see what’s on top, but you don’t care. As you round the top of the hill at full speed you see a deserted play ground. Stopping dead in your tracks, you look around. There is a small swing set and next to it is a set of slides.

"Would you wait on me?" You hear Ashton call out from behind you.

"Nope! First one to the swing set gets…" You pause for a second to think of a prize.

"A kiss?" He offers stepping up beside you, breathing heavily.

"You can have as many as you want, if you get there before me!" You giggle before taking off in a dead sprint. You hear him whimper a bit before he starts to run after you. He passes you last minute, winning the race.

"Haha!" He chants jumping around. "You even got a head start!"

"Yeah but you are practically a kangaroo!" You joke leaning over to try and get your breath back. You often made fun of him about this and he usually joked back but this time he was silent. When you look back up you see him staring up at the sky with a weird expression on his face. "What?" You question, standing up and staring up along with him.

"I swear I just felt a raindrop." Your eyes widen as one lands on your forehead.

"I’m sure it will just sprinkle." You claim, that’s when you know that you’ve spoken too soon. As more and more drops start to fall you start to make your way back to his car. It starts to pour just as you get to the car. You let out a high-pitched scream as you wait for him to unlock the doors. You watch as he digs through his pockets but comes up empty handed.

"No way." He mumbles then presses his face to the window of the car. You do the same, cupping your hands around your eyes before looking around the inside. Nothing is in the passenger seat but you see a familiar key chain laid over the center console.

"Ashton!" You groan as you step back and start to shiver. Your dress was starting to stick to your skin and you also were barefoot. He looks around the road and realizes that you two are stuck, all alone, in the rain.

"There is a big tree up at the playground." He points towards the top of the hill. You nod and run around the car. He peels off his jacket and throws it around you. You feel his arms wrap around your waist as he begins leading you up the hill.

"What a great way to end the night!" You smile when you are safely under the large oak.

"Don’t be sarcastic." He grunts pulling you into him. You throw your arms over his shoulders setting your head onto his chest.

"I’m not. It really has been a great night." You smile looking back up at him. He is silent for a bit, you admire him before leaning in to peck his lips.

"I think I deserve more than that!" He jokes when you pull away.

"Why’s that?" You question.

"Because I won the race." He reminds you and you agree. You lean back in for another kiss, this one a bit more passionate.

Kissing in the rain // A.IWhere stories live. Discover now