Chapter 1 - In Pursuit of a Bicycle

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In pursuit of a bicycle

Ignacio lived to travel. In fact, Ignacio lived traveling, though not on vacation sort of travel; rather Ignacio lived a 'nomadic life' sort of travel. Carrying the few belongings he needed along with him he existed ready to pedal the pavement on his current touring bicycle, or to watch the changing horizon through the window of a Greyhound bus.

On this particular day, he just arrived for a brief stay in Ipsy. Ignacio was usually, 'passing through' wherever he went, whenever he went there. His reasons for passing through varied. Sometimes he passed through professionally by working short-term professional construction jobs, traveling from job sight to job sight every few months, or even weeks. Other times he followed more personal whims by embarking on impromptu car or bicycle trips when the fancy moved him. He saw much of the country, and parts of the world in this nomadic way.

Ignacio had arrived in town just in time to meet Wren, though he did not know it yet. Ignacio came into Ipsy to help his friend Tim remodel a bike shop. Tim intended to "double sales space by renovating a second storefront. I want it to be public ready rather than run down. I bet you could capture the look of 'historic' grandeur hidden in the wreck and mess. Will you come help me work on it?"

"Help you work on it?" Ignacio laughed at the idea of Tim doing the renovations. "I cain't" he drawled in a shared ongoing inside joke. Ignacio knew Tim's 'help me' meant 'do it for me'.

When Tim suggested, "a trip to Ipsy, a visit, some beers and a stint working at Ipsy Pedals, either renovating or whatever came up," Ignacio immediately agreed.

"Sure I can do it. I'm on my way, man." A favor asked tended to be a favor done in Ignacio's view of life. Ignacio opted to help strangers and friends alike. The very next day he was packed and driving east from Iowa. The proverbial seed on the breeze, following whichever current pushed him.

While in Ipsy, Ignacio 'crashed' on Tim's couch most nights. Or he slept on the floor in the backroom of the bike shop occasionally. Comfort, never a priority, took a second seat to convenience. The bliss of travel mingled with simplicity of life. Ignacio loved the freedom of travel; the lack of worldly goods and the quiet; quiet of no people demanding attention of him, not the quiet of absence of sound. As much as Ignacio enjoyed silence he also enjoyed good music. Often he blasted blues or jazz music while he worked.

Even though he loved the quiet, and comfortably spent hours alone working, Ignacio was not anti-social; no. He loved listening to people, which was fortunate, because all manner of folks were drawn to him. He could be walking down the street, when complete strangers would approach him to talk. Ignacio would always listen, too. He was not one to cut someone else off; if a person had a story to share, Ignacio would listen start to finish, most often following up with questions. The speaker could see in Ignacio's eyes the sincerity of his interest. The speaker would relate full and detailed tales, oft revealing vulnerability trusting Ignacio's compassionate countenance. Ignacio's respect for all humanity was a rare and wondrous gift; no one was a stranger to this man.

Ignacio strode the world from a height of 5 feet 6 inches, neither tall nor diminutive. His compact frame featured strong short legs and the upper body of a swimmer: broad shoulders, full chest and strong arms. Ignacio was not lean; actually a plumpness enhanced his jovial nature. His Hispanic heritage was vaguely evident in his dark brown eyes and long glossy sable hair he wore pulled back in a ponytail. His front hairline receded slowly yet persistently. Ignacio sported beard and mustache, mildly unkempt, adding to his adventurous exterior.

Wren noticed all this and more about Ignacio on that initial meeting. She was struck by the quiet beauty of spirit he possessed. In the first moments of their interaction, Ignacio revealed much of his spirit to her, through glances, pauses, looks, word choice and a deep presence in his surroundings.

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