Chapter I

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"I'm sorry, but you can't be a hero without a quirk. That's just the way it is, there are plenty of heroic police officers and firefighters. They might not get good credit because of heroes but ..." All might droned on, but the teenager tuned him out. What good was it? What good was it to listen to his hero shatter his dreams? What good was living if it brought all of this pain?

"If you want a quirk so badly, just pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off of the roof of the building!"

"-but I'm sorry, being a hero isn't in the cards for you. I don't want you getting hurt in your illusion of heroism." And with that, All might turned away and walked over to the stairs. "Izuku?! Are you okay?! Please come home!!"

"You're a good young man with a nice heart. You can help people out in other ways." All might said as he closed the door behind him, leaving Izuku on the rooftop. Thoughts yelled in his head as his breathing picked up. His eyes danced around the rooftop looking for a way to escape the voices telling him he wasn't good enough. Telling him to end it all. Telling him to just DIE. . He dropped to his knees with a sob as he felt his head being split down the middle from the volume of the voices. 'Stop stop stop stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP' he thought.

Izuku looked up at the edge of the building as his backpack fell off. 'THERE THERE EXIT LEAVE THERE EXIT' the voices screamed, drowning out any thoughts of going down the stairs. Izuku crawled forward towards the ledge curling his head towards his chest as the voices got louder the closer he got.

'GO GO LEAVE JUMP LEAVE JUMP GO GO THERE JUMP LEAVE GO GO GO GO GO GO' the voices chanted, pushing him towards the edge. Izuku quickly stepped onto the ledge as his eyes looked over the city skyline. The voices went quiet, rewarding him for listening to them with a few thoughts of his own. 'No one would be too upset... Why am I even thinking about this? I need to get down. But they're silent up here...' 

"Oi, kid" A voice shook him out of his thoughts. Izuku whipped around and nearly fell off, only tightening his grip on the bar the last second. "Don't do it."

Izuku looked up in wonder as he took in the man in front of him. He was average height, with black hair and blue eyes. The most noticeable thing was the large scars under his eyes and below his mouth. He was wearing a large black sweater and sweatpants. His shoes were untied, strings dancing in the wind occasionally.

"w-why?" Izuku whispered, surprised that the man was trying to stop him.

"Because I've been there. Come on, don't you want someone to listen to you?" The man bargained, shrugging his shoulders.

Izuku just watched for a second before he slowly stepped down from the ledge. He let out a few tears as he stumbled closer to the man.

"So, what's your story?" The man asked, opening up the door to the stairs and sitting down on the first one.

"uh... we-well I'm bullied. B-by Kachan, we were friends when we were l-little. But he-ge got a super cool quirk an-and I'm quirkless. I want- wanted to be a hero... but no one thinks I can do it without a quirk. It's like all that matters is whether or not you have a damn quirk!" Izuku started talking, getting more upset as he talked. As he talked, he realized that all people look for in heroes is a strong and flashy quirk. That was all society looked for in a hero. Just someone to be praised and who could beat others into submission under the guise of them being a threat to civilians.

The man just listened to him vent, nodding and occasionally filling in the blanks when Izuku forgot a word. He was never made fun of or belittled for being quirkless. He listened to him and offered support, something no one has done for him before.

"It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into hero society and how it affects everyone. Even those one wouldn't think about." The man said, his eyebrows raised in surprise. The sun had set hours ago, and the hallway was chilly. Izuku just smiled a little bit before hugging himself.

"I- i guess. I wanted to be a hero, but... the more I think about it, the worse hero society gets." he said sadly. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, you said that you liked to take notes on heroes?" The man who Izuku came to know as Toya asked. Izuku nodded, scooting closer to him subconsciously. Toya seemed to radiate warmth, and it was greatly appreciated in the cold and dark hallway.

"I bet you know a lot of stuff about Villains as well?"

"No, I've tried to take notes on them but it's difficult to tell crimes apart from one another, especially since I really only use news articles for my notes. Also by the time I've figured out what crimes the specific villain committed, the heroes already have them in custody, and it isn't fun to copy down information like that." Izuku sighed.

"But the few times I've gotten the notes before they're in custody, it's really fun to see how many things I've gotten right. Also to see how little thinking people put into how they could use their quirk."

"Oh? You good at figuring out quirks?" Toya asked, throwing his jacket around Izuku's shivering form.

"I - I guess." Izuku said, nuzzling deeper into the warm jacket. Toya seemed to tense up for a second, but before Izuku could comment on it, he relaxed again.

"My quirk is Cremation. I can create highly destructive blue flames from my body. The drawback is that I'm not accustomed to the extreme heat, so if I use them for too long I burn the skin where I'm using the flames. What are some ways I could use my quirk?" Toya asked, standing up.

"While you think about that, why don't we grab some food and I take you home."

"Oh- you.. You're leaving?" Izuku asked, hating how small he sounded. But he couldn't help the fear filling his body. 'I knew it. He just wants me to not be his problem. I kept him up here talking for god knows how long when he could have been doing way more important things than talking to a suicidal teen! God I really am pathetic.'

"It's not like that. Won't your mom be worried sick? Also you're shivering and turning blue." Toya said, taking a step towards the rooftop..

"She- she'll get over it. She never really let me talk about quirks like this, and you- you're really nice." Izuku said, quick to follow Toya, curious as to why he wasn't heading down the stairs.

"I- Well... If I get charged with kidnapping a minor I'm blaming you. Follow me, I have to call a friend." Toya said, before stepping back onto the roof. Izuku followed, practically on the man's heel as he looked at the night sky.

Toya pulled out a phone and stepped away for a second, calling someone. Izuku just looked up to the sky. The stars twinkled and the moon glowed, but his gaze was obstructed by a cloud of smoke. Izuku followed the cloud to where a fire was being put out a few blocks away.

'Huh. Some villain attack probably.' he thought before watching the sky for a few more minutes.

"Hey kid. My friend is picking us up, just brace yourself." Toya said. Izuku dropped his gaze back down to the rooftop as he watched a purple portal open up underneath him and Toya. He immediately fell and screamed loudly as he tried to reach for Toya. 

Dabi's and Izuku's relationship will be brotherly instead of romantic. This will delve into mental health and Izuku will become mentally unstable. This fic is going to be me venting and projecting, so characters will seem OOC a few times. 

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