Part 2

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Hey, I'm Charlotte Hayden Reid, yes, Reid. As in Harrison Reid's younger sister.

You may think - why is she writing this? What's the point?

Well my friends, here's the answer. I thought that because I missed my brother dearly when he moved from home back in New Zealand, that maybe if I wrote about the times when I was with him then I would have something to look back on to refresh my memory in case he leaves again.

So before I start any Harrison Reid business I'll tell you a bit about myself then, should I?

So as you know, I'm Charlotte Reid. I'm 17 years old and I'm dyslexic. I'm not heavily dyslexic, I just mix up letters like b and d, m and w. But as a kid I was a bit stuck with school, I was academically behind the other kids in reading and writing - it didn't help that they called me the backward girl either. 

Because I wasn't  academically  "skilled" or "gifted" as my tutors would say, I played a lot of sports like netball and soccer. I was captain of the school girls soccer team for 3 years running at school. As well as this, I played netball as an extra curricular activity and in my spare time I surfed, a lot, with my brother Harrison at the beach close to home. If the surf wasn't good, then we would go indoor surfing, you know, when you surf on an artificial wave. This always resulted in Harrison playfully pushing me off so he could win though.  At one point in my life I played horse polo with my friend Tessa, but that didn't turn out very well. I quit within 3 months. 

When Harrison moved away, I was 13. That was 4 years of briefly visiting my best friend. It crushed me. I had never felt so lonely and bored in my life, the only people who even got close to making me feel like I did when I was around Harrison were my two best friends- Maddie and Kayla. They both knew how to surf but they didn't surf as much as I did so plenty of times i was just out, on the ocean, alone.

As soon as I hit my last year of school I made the decision I was going to live in bondi, Sydney near my big brother. That way I could keep my eye on him at almost all times to make sure he isn't doing anything stupid or too dangerous and I could see him everyday without using a screen or artificially hearing him. What came after the move was undecided. Big H (Harrison) suggested that I started out at a local store as a cashier to earn a bit of bread to survive in my first week or two. Then when I had decided I found my feet, move on to something more committed and long term. Something I loved.

Time move: in big H's apartment, Bondi, Sydney, Australia. 

Harrison was fiddling with thee keys to his apartment door, he was an absoloute klutz some times (that was one of my nicknames for him). I had my rucksack on my shoulders and suitcase full of essentials such as clothes, toiletries, my feely blanket (kind of a baby soother for me) and a bunch of other stuff.

"Alright, it has to be this one." Harrison muttered to himself in frustration. I just giggled knowing he'd eventually get us in there.

My rucksack was beginning to dig into my shoulders so I shifted it around a bit. I tried taking it off of one shoulder and onto the other and vice versa until that got annoying and I just threw it to the ground with a thump. But as soon as the bag hit the ground-

"AHA! It's this one?!" Harrison cheered happily. I rolled my eyes playfully a little annoyed at his childishness and picked my bags up. 

The door swung open to reveal a nice apartment, minus the trash laying everywhere. A blond haired guy was sat laying across the sofa, watching a TV show silently.

"Hey bro" he whispered quietly, obviously engrossed in what he was watching, as Harrison walked over to him. The man assumed Klutz was going in for a first-bump and held his fist ready for him, but instead Harrison just slapped the unknown kid lightly. 

"Dude that's my sister, go say hi" my big brother chuckled as the mysterious man shot up.

"Hey, I'm Trent maxwell, but people just call me Maxi. Feel free to call me any name you want." He blushed a bit, knowing he was making a kind of fool out of himself, "uhh... I kind of live here with your brother. I hope you don't mind that." He timidly announced.

"Hi Trent, I'm Charlotte. Nice to meet you. You can call me Char or coal or charcoal, that's what most people Call me because apparently my soul is as black and dark as charcoal" I shrugged smiling. And on cue, Harrison piped up from the kitchen.

"It is though! Be careful with her she might cut your balls off!" He sniggered

"Oh be quiet Harrison!" I shook Trent's hand, I didn't really feel good saying his nickname- even though he said I  could- I  just didn't feel right.

N/A because this took me so long to write I'll break chapter 1 into two parts. This is the first part, and the second part will be posted before Sunday. I swear it will never be such a delay.

I'm sorry for any typos/ POV changes.



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