Part 3

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It was about 7am. I woke up slowly, taking in my surroundings. A window with some light grey curtains drawn shut- slithers of light shone in between the gaps bouncing off the walls, lighting up the already semi-lit room. As I sat up looking into the mirror at my messy hair (I looked like a lion by the way) it hit me. I was in Harrison Reid's apartment. My brother. Bondi. My BrOtHer!

After silently freaking out as you do, I got up and wandered around the room for a minute or so. The apartment was weirdly quiet, maybe they were both still asleep? Anyway, I carried on with my usual morning routine; showering, washing my face, brushing my teeth,  getting changed, doing my hair- nothing out of the ordinary. 

I crept down the hallway towards the kitchen careful not to wake anyone up if they were asleep still. There were no noises at all in the house.


I thought to myself. On the kitchen side was a piece of A5 paper with some scribbles on it.

Oh, what's this?

I tiptoed over to the paper which read:

Hey charcoalll, 

Me and maxi have gone to work. We will be finished at around 6/7 depending on how busy it is, maybe later than 7 on a rare occasion. You know where everything is in the apartment but yeah feel free to explore a bit around the apartment block n outside and stuff. If ya need me, call me or message me. 

Love ya

-your favourite brotherrrrrrrrrr & maxi xx

Well then, I had the whole place to myself. I could do whatever I wanted.


I nearly yelled it out loud I was that excited but I was afraid the neighbors would be confused or something. 

"Okay, think we'll, plan this out Charlotte." I told myself quite harshly 

"I'll go down to bondi for a swim, maybe catch Klutz on his lunch break? Ah god when was his lunch break? Oh I dunno maybe if he sees me he'll come over to talk when he can." I don't know why but I was a little stressed out over going to the beach. "Okay," I Carried on. "I need my bikini, a shirt, some sunblock, plenty of water and my book." I made a mental list of these objects and packed them in a bag.

Now ya need to text Big H and remeber to actually lock the apartment when you leave.

Wow, my mind was more sensible than me.

I did what I told myself to do (don't ask me I don't know either ) and texted Harrison:

Hey H, 

gonna come down to bondi for a bit hope ya don't mind. Come talk to me if ya wanna when ya can. 

Luv ya

Ya fave sister xoxo

I clicked send then ran towards the door. I had read so much about bondi and Sydney before I moved out here to reassure myself I was going to be okay and give me some sense of direction so I wouldn't  be able to get lost easily.

The walk to the prom wasn't too long- around five minutes. I took a quick swag of water and fast walked down the steps onto the soft white sand. The soft, white, hot, sand. I half run, half walked to a spot by the red and yellow flags in a place I would remember where I put my things. I had my thongs on, they were grey and white and a white T-Shirt on with Arizona written across it. I put my phone in a small heatproof case/ container with my money and some loose things like a credit card and such, wrapped it in my tee and buried it under the sand with a towel ontop of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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