Falling For Dreams - Rick Grimes

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Summary: After the downfall, your only priority was being safe. In Alexandria, safety was granted and secured. You had a pretty hard time adjusting; everyone playing house while you still stood guarded. Safety in a world like this was never granted. One day Rick invites you to dinner with the group, but ends up confessing his feelings before everyone arrives and you can't help but ask what would happen if you let down your guard once and risked feeling safe again in the arms of this man.

Word Count: 1629

Warnings: Light swearing, rusty writing skills

A/N: I haven't written in over a year or two and ya know, I recently decided I wanted to start writing again...so here I am! More fics are coming soon so stay tuned. Requests are always open <3

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During the course of the Apocalypse, or whatever the hell this was, you'd come to learn the importance and value of the little things that made life a little less boring and tedious, something it was now. Reading a book, painting your nails, and having long baths were some of the things you so dearly missed from your old life. You knew these weren't possible when it all started, so you could only dream of it. You could only dream of peace, for it wasn't granted to you now. Nothing was ever granted to you.

The sun in Alexandria shone down on your back as you made your way through the streets; pockets of people were scattered here and there, making the place seem odd. You weren't yet accustomed to being safe, like they were; not completely safe, but just enough that they didn't have to worry about walkers. You, on the other hand, hadn't grown accustomed to the idea of being safe and inside the walls. You were never truly safe in this world. You had intended on finding that so called safeness this new year, or at least what everyone thought was a new year. It all remained the same for them, day after day. Same faces, same people, same worrying thoughts; nothing ever changed for them.

You intended to change the way you viewed everything in life. You needed to grow accustomed to being safe, or at least the thought of it.

Your appearance had become of little importance when it all started. You had no time to care for it and you were, frankly, a mess. Your (Y/H/C) hair was unkempt, your nails were a disaster and your clothes were the same every single day: a dirty pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Everything the people in Alexandria gave you, you refused. In all honesty, you were still wary about what they wanted from you. That's why you decided to go out today, to look for something nice: some cute trinkets that made you feel more...at peace. You planned on taking a path through the part you very well knew Carl used to climb when he went to the woods with Enid, so you took all the necessary things and went on your little journey.

"Where are you going?" a voice you could only recognize as Daryl's said behind you, startling you for just a split second.

"Nowhere. Why?" you said, faking a smile.

"Officer Friendly said he's gonna have a dinner at his house tonight. He wanted ya to come."

You laughed a little at this, recognizing the old moniker you used to call Rick when you first met him. Officer Friendly. It made you think about how far you'd come and how many new people you had met since the event started.

"What's so funny 'bout that?" Daryl asked, being set off by your laugh. You shrug and turn around, hearing him say something about dressing nice. At the mention of this you were even more certain that you just had to find something decent or else it was just going to be a plain t-shirt and jeans.

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You returned to Alexandria with only three hours of sunshine to spare, dinner time usually being at sundown. Fortunately, no one had noticed you were gone. You knew that meant that no one had check where the hell you had been all day, but that didn't bother you.

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