Die For You - Daryl Dixon

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Summary: After an incident, you decide your purpose in life has shifted and Daryl asks you why.

Word Count: 902

Warnings: death, mentions of guns

A/N: Life has been so hectic lately and writing is literally my only escape, so here y'all go.
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The harsh sound of cell doors opening and people screaming is not the most pleasant way to wake up to. Groaning, you open your eyes slowly and prop yourself on one elbow, so you could better see what the bloody hell is causing this commotion at such unholy hours.

"Mother of god-"

A shrilling scream cut off your next curse off words. Quickly grabbing your titanium gold dessert handgun, you jack open the cell gate and look around. Bodies lay the ground, blood is splattered against the gray walls and people are running through the only open entrance.

A low snarl erupted from somewhere in the block and you twist your body around trying to find the culprit of the commotion. The walker stands in the corner of the block; taunting you as he ate what is left of...well you couldn't even decipher who he was by now. Pulling your gun to eye level, you approach the walker and shot him. His brains immediately splattering all over you, like paint on a canvas.

Behind the bars of cell block C, other people stand in shock as they leave you inside the block. They close the gate, leaving you to your fate; but who would have known better if they didn't say anything. They could just mark it off as another casualty since they personally didn't know you. This is the problem with newcomers, they only looked out for their family. It's understandable, but you guys brought them in after the governor; the least they can do was wait for you to get out and be safe.

Nevertheless, you were still alive and well after killing the only walker. "I know y'all closed the gates. You can open the block now. Ain't no walkers left in here; just me."

An old lady opens the door and you walk briskly out of it; hitting the showers immediately to get rid of the horrid smell.

"(Y/N), ya' in here?" Daryl is worried about you; something like this has never happened to you. Frankly, you are sad that they just left you there, but they have their reasons.

"Listen, I can hear the water running. I-ya' know, I heard about what happened inside C."

A low laugh escapes your throat at the slight stumble in words he had there. It's always cute when he finds words troubling, you'd found out that it was an indication of his nervousness not so long ago.

"Daryl, it's honestly fine. They were scared and they had every reason as to why not wait for me. Do not escalate things. Leave them alone." The frustration behind those words is evident; you don't want Daryl to make a scene in front of everyone.

"The hell do ya' mean it's fine?! You could've been killed, eaten alive yo-Do you think that's fine? Do ya' have a death wish? That must be fucking it 'cause no dumb bitch would be fine if they were left to die. That fucks up with ya' head. Jesus, woman fucking react." Daryl's laced venom words hit you harshly. They are, in fact, the truth. No sane person would like to be left behind, but you are no sane person.

"If being left behind means my people get to live...then so be it Daryl. I would trade a hundred lives for the safety of my people. Daryl, you have people to live for. Now, with me, there's a difference." Grunting, Daryl yanks back the curtain of your shower; you jump a little from the sudden noise. "And ya' have people for what? Ya' have people to live for. Fucks sake, what 'bout Maggie? Rick? Hell, even the lil ass kicker loves ya'. " You look up and see Daryl breathing heavily; pure raw sentiment is clear in those blue eyes of his that shine against the pale light of the moon.

The water droplets glisten against your soft skin and he can notice that after all these times of making love to you, he hasn't appreciated you enough.

"What about me?" Daryl asks in a low voice.

There it was, the three words.

"You'll live on without me. You'll live for me. Thing is Daryl-" You take three steps forwards and you end up chest to chest with the man you love.

"I don't have people to live for." Daryl's eyebrows draw down in confusion; he swears then and there you are the most confusing woman he has ever meet, and that is why he wants to discover every little corner of your mind. To see only a fraction of what you see in others.

"So then you have people for...?" He asks, a genuine question; yet you know the answer will not satisfy his need for safety and reassurance.

"I have people I need to protect. I have people I need to die for. I have you." You say, bringing your hand up to touch his cheek. Daryl commences to step away, but maintains his eyes on you.

Daryl's eyes lay on yours for eternity now; electric waves sending chills down your spine. Glaring into nothingness as his world came undone in this prison he had created for himself. Rendering this moment as the last he will ever see you in the purity of light. For now your mission is not living for those you love, it's dying for those you love; so they can live.

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