Death's Mess - Daryl Dixon (Part 2)

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Summary- A month later, Daryl is still giving you the cold shoulder. Aaron tries to pacify things, but only makes them potentially worse. Will Death still prevail in Daryl's mind?

Word Count- 1952

Warnings- None

A/N- This is the second and last part. Requests are always open. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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A month has passed since the incident with Aaron. Luckily, the gunshot didn't puncture anything important and he was already up and running. You are extremely relieved by this, but still things remain tense. No one trusts you anymore and the doubt that you'll do something like that again, remains.

Aaron understands why you did it. He had pushed too far in training and it had been too much, too realistic.

Daryl is still giving you the cold shoulder, leaving you to wonder when this childish act of him will pass. You moved in with Rick since that day and as much as it irritated you hearing him have sex with Michonne, it's still better than having to face Daryl.

Still, even in his stubbornness, you saw he worried about you. You'd sometimes catch him asking Aaron about your well-being and how you were holding up.

"Earth to (Y/N)!" Aaron shouts from the bottom of the stairs, climbing each one carefully.

You smile and scoot over, making space so he could sit down comfortably.

"If you've come to ask me how I am- I'm fine. Same as every other day." You say, looking up at the gray sky.

"Hi, I'm fine. Thanks for asking!" Aaron exclaims sarcastically.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's stupid. Don't be. I come baring gifts and that's all that matters."

"Gifts?" You question, wondering if you've forgotten a holiday during all of this commotion.

It's been so long since you last opened a gift, you've forgotten what it feels like.

"I know you don't like birthdays or birthday parties for that matter, but I just thought turning 21 had to be something special to you before all of this. You once mentioned in one of our gatherings that your birthday was on (Y/B/D) so, today is that day. I took it upon myself to get you something...special. I'm sorry if I over stepped my boundaries or anything."

"I'm just wondering how I forgot my own birthday. Am I really that dumb?" You question and laugh. Frankly, after all of this you are still surprised he knows what say it is.

"Still, Aaron, I thank you, you didn't have to, but you did." Hugging him carefully, you look over at the next door porch and see Daryl standing there with a cigarette in his hand.

Clearing your throat and pulling back from the hug, you ask Aaron what the present is.

"I remembered how you said that before all of this, you used to paint and sketch. So I brought you a sketchpad and some colored pencils. I thought it would bring you joy to do what you once loved at least a few times more."

You are surprised to say the least. He really listens to you when you ramble on and on about your passions.

" don't like it?" Aaron asks,

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