"My Views On G.R.I.T"

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This comes from earlier this year. (Grade 10) Basically our school got a new slogan "Commit to G.R.I.T" and it's dumb, so when I was bored during spare class I wrote a page about it. (Actually showed it to a teacher too lol but she was chill) So anyway here it is:

G.R.I.T is a load of bullcrap. It's just another stupid brainwashing tactic created by the school division. I think. Maybe it was the SRC. (Student Council) I don't know and I don't care. 

Basically, these dumb teachers have started drilling the idiotic phrase "Commit to G.R.I.T" into our heads. By the third day of school, I had had enough. They're supposed to be promoting positivity, but last week we had two random fist fights and even a freaking gun threat! Clearly, nobody is actually "Commiting to G.R.I.T" 

Also, grit means dirt. Do you really want our school's motto to encourage something so disgusting? The way I see it, G.R.I.T should be more like this:

G- Give up

R- Reevaluate your life choices 

I- I don't wanna be here

T- Time to go home

Besides, these teachers are going pretty over-the-top about this "be positive" nonsense. 

In the words of Veronica Sawyer, "If you were happy all the time, you wouldn't be human. You'd be a talk show host."

Not to mention it's exhausting and degrading to suck up to teachers and constantly be pretending to be positive. So let's all just Omit G.R.I.T and once and for all make school a better place. 

A/N Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

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