9: Conniving

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"Oh yes, I wanted to ask you something." Walter spoke before Alucard could leave the room.


"Why did you turn her into a vampire?" He turned his body to face the master vampire. "It is unlike you to do such a thing."

"Who knows. On a whim?" He thought about it for a minute. "No. She chose to, of her own free will. How did you handle her, anyway?"

"We reported her as missing at the 'Cheddars Village' case." Walter reported.

"Her family didn't protest?" A conniving look flashed over Alucard's face.

"She has no... parents... She's... an orphan." Walter worded carefully.

"Hehe... I thought so. It makes sense. She is much more interestingthan she looks." A plotting look now overtook his face. "From the very start, her superiors and colleagues were turned into ghouls one after another in that village of death. A hell not unlike the bottom of a witch's cauldron, in which vampires tried to rape and kill her. And what do you think that woman decided? 'Giving up' kills people. When a person refuses to give up, he earns the right to walk down the road of humanity."

His toothy grin flashed over his face.

What couldn't she give up? It wasn't her parents. Certainly it wasn't her already dead comrades....

"Heh... So now, if she would only drink blood... right?" Alucard walked towards the window, now speaking to himself. "She'll drink... she will... She will definitely drink."

Then, he turned sideways to the butler.

"By the way, how do you plan to get her to South America? She looks like she won't be able to cross the ocean." He inquired. After all, it was said that vampires couldn't cross running rivers and oceans.

"So she can't after all..." Walter shook his head. "How about in an airplane?"

"No." Alucard chuckled. "It's like she's half-human, half vampire... dust. To dust..."

Meanwhile, Seras was stressed out. Not only by the perverted man who was in charge of the Wild Geese, but of the upcoming trip that would see her abandoning her sister for an extended period of time.

At the beginning of yet another perverted song, Seras lost her cool and stormed off to find Walter.

"WALTERRRRRRR!" She called out as she burst into the study.

"Oh, you finished practicing?" He inquired.

"S-Sexual harrassment! That weird head soldier started singing an obscene incredibly perverted song during the marathon!"

Alucard shook his head as he brainstormed through the argument.

"Walter." He spoke up after a minute. "It's classic, but there's a good way to do it. Seras, please come with me to discuss something pertaining to our trip. And if you'd like to escape this... human for a brief moment."

"Anything!!" She yelled. "Anything to get away from him!"

And without another word she stomped after the master vampire.

Seras... I hope you are prepared...Walter thought to himself. When Alucard wants something... he gets it.

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