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AN: This is just a bit of a first chapter to see if I'm going in the right direction. 


 Withdrawn from the rest of the students, he hung in the back of the classroom. Dark black hair covering his face ,as if he wished to not be seen. The chatter of the classroom did nothing to hide his presence. His silent manor seemed to speak louder than all of if.

Ella couldnt help but study him. He was a contiual source of fascination and the reason she coulnt get over a B in her english class. No one had ever driven her to such a state of distraction before. She wondered what it was about him, the reason she couldnt take her eyes off of him.

Today was no different from the weeks before. Ella descretly watched for him as he entered the classroom. Aspen walked with a quite grace, so unlike how the other boys blundered about. Ella wondred if he ever made any noise. Come to think of it, Ella didn't belive she'd ever heard him speak. She had often compared him to a shadow, only noticed when one was truely looking for it.

"Ella. Ella! Girl snap out of it!" Annelise elbowed her hard in the side.

Ella turned to glare at her blonde friend. Annelise tilted her head towards Mrs. Lake who had been attepmting to get her attention.

"Elenore if you wish to be included on this trip, you must pay attention in class. Now would you please hand out the permison slips?" Mrs. Lake handed her a pile of papers. Ella began to make her way around the classroom with the permsion slips as Mrs. Lake explained what they were for.

"Now class this is a two day camping trip. We will be using this time to work on a creative writting progect. By the end of the trip you are expected to have completed a short story of atleast five pages. I belive it will do everyone's creativity a great deal of good to get away from technogoy and all moderen day distractions. Permision slips are due by next monday."

Ella approched the last desk nervously. Aspen sat gazing out the window. She though he looked like he wished to be anywhere else. So busy studying him, Ella forgot to pay attention to where she was placeing her feet. She caught herself on a desk leg and began to fall foreward. An arm rescued her. Her eyes followed the arm up to Aspens face and locked onto his startled blue eyes. He quickly released her as a blush crept up both of their faces.

"Thankyou." Ella embrassedly whispered as she handed him his permsion slip. Aspen gave her a small smile with a slight nodd and returned to his seat. She hurried back to her desk with the hope that no one noticed her clumsieness. Annelise gave a smirk as Ella sat down.

"Ella when are you going realize that you like him?" Annelise whisperd teasingly. Ella rolled her eyes.

"I'm just curious about him Ann, nothing more."

Annelise smiled and shook her head.

"So you're replacing your best friend with denial? I'm so hurt!"

Ella decided that Annelise's response deserved no reply and was silent for the remainder of the class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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