Four - You are fired Miss Jackson

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By the time Ciara got to her place of work it was 7:50am, she was 10 minutes early according to the time she was told.

Getting to the office, she was surprised to see the bimbo secretary already there.

"uhmmm.. Am the new... "

"he's in already and is asking for you. You can go inside".

Ciara ignored her rude attitude towards her and followed the direction of her finger. Getting to the door of her new boss, she took deep breaths, encouraging herself before knocking.

When she didn't hear any voice, she quietly opened the door peeking inside.

"are you going to spend the whole time peeking at my office? ", came the voice from yesterday.

She saw him sitting on his chair, without wasting time she stood opposite of him eager to start working already.

"you are late", he said without looking at her.

"good morning to you too sir, am not late. I still have few minutes left", she said looking at her wristwatch.

This ticked Carlos off, he  raised his head to look at her, curled up his fists and gave her a very tight smile that made his jaw stiff. Just looking at him,  you could tell he was very very angry.

"Miss Michaels, I think you have to watch the way you speak to me. I could fire you and ruin your life in just a snap of my fingers"

Ciara knew how important the job was to her so she kept quiet while killing him a thousand times in her head.

Carlos gave her two boxes if paperwork to sort out before lunch. Ciara was fuming in anger, she couldn't finish it a day but she was going to proof to him that he cannot intimidate her.

She grabbed the boxes and left,  just as she was about to leave the office she spoke up

"oh and Mr Henderson, I think you have to train your employees more about time cos it is obvious they don't"

Carlos was insulted by what she had told him, she had just said that he didn't train his employees well enough when he knew it was the opposite. He called in his secretary.

"yes Mr Henderson", Trish said in a flirtatious tone.

"who called miss Michaels in regards to her employment"

"I did,  is there any problem? "

"uhmmm. Yeah. Lats time I checked, the time to be in the office is 7:30am and why was she coming to work at 7:52am?"

"oh, I must have made a mistake.... "

"Mistake?!! ", Carlos shouted. He hated it when his employees were lousy not to talk of when they made mistakes on matters regarding  his work.

Hearing the word "mistake" from her mouth made him see red.

"you are Fired, miss Jackson"


"get out"

Trish rolled her eyes at him and gave him the finger before leaving his office making sure to close his door so hard that it could break.

When Trish left,  Carlos realised that he had to find someone to replace her, he groaned and ran his hand through his hair obviously frustrated. He had to find a replacement as soon as possible.

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