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Dear Lou,
     It's been two days since you have left and it's killing me. I've been crying nonstop since you left and I don't know what to do. My daily routine just isn't the same without you here. Going to sleep and waking up is torture. I couldn't even sleep last night.

     Your mom called me this morning. She was just checking up on me. She's worried about me but I know she's worried sick about you. She's trying to stay strong for all of us. I told her was doing ok, but I know she could tell I really wasn't. I just don't want her worrying about me too much. She already has a lot on her hands already.

     Just please get home safely. I need you here. I can't go on without you. I love you. Always.



Harry finished writing the letter, signing it off with his usual signature, xH. He grabs an envelope, writing the address the military gave to all the families so they could send letters to their loved ones. He folds up the letter, places it into the selected envelope, and seals it closed. He places a stamp in the top right corner of the envelope then sets it aside so he could mail it off in the morning.

Harry rubs his eyes, sighing, staring at the enclosed letter. His mind drifting off wondering if Louis has finally settled in over there. If he was still safe and away from the danger for now. Before his mind could wonder off further, he stood up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He grabs his pint of ice cream from the freezer and a spoon then walks towards the living room. Settling down on the couch, wrapped up in some blankets, he turns the tv on to watch some romantic comedies. Hopping that it would help settle his mind. But he knew it wouldn't do any good.

Half way through his show, and half a pint of ice cream later, his phone started to ring. At first he didn't move, wondering who on earth could be calling him this late. Trying to think of who it might be when it hits him. It could be Louis.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he hurry's to grab his phone not wanting to miss it if it really was his love because who knew how long before he could get a call again. He hits the answer button, not bothering to look at the caller id, and puts the phone up to his ear.

"Lou?" Harry asks before the person on the other end could speak. He hears silence before a laugh rings through the speaker, but it wasn't his lovers laugh.

"I'm afraid not Haz." A thick Irish accent said from the other end. Of course it had to be his idiot of a friend Niall to call this late. "Sorry to disappoint ya there mate."

"No it's fine. I should have known it wasn't him calling. He's probably busy or sleeping already." Harry says sighing, leaning back into the couch, wrapping himself back up in the covers.

"He'll call soon mate. He said so himself. Don't be such a worry wort Harold."

"Speak for yourself. Your loved one isn't miles away in another county fighting in some war." Harry says picking at the blankets. "I can't help but to worry about that. He's going to have people shooting at him, trying to kill him. You can't blame me for worrying about him." He says starting to get upset again. "He could die and then I'll never get to see him again and he'll never get to see his child. It's all just so frustrating and I don't know what to do. Why did he have to leave? Why him Ni?" He asks, tears falling down his cheeks for the umpteenth time today.

"Oh Haz. I'm sorry. Do you want me to come over? I could keep you company and I'll even give you all the cuddles you need. We can talk or even watch movies for the rest of the night. I'll even bring you some more ice cream and chocolates because I'm such a great friend." Niall says laughing some, wanting to cheer his friend back up. He hated hearing him cry this much.

Harry smiles a little bit, chuckling, "And some peanut butter?" He asks smiling a little bit more.

"Yes Haz. Peanut butter as well. Whatever you want mate. I'll be there shortly." Niall says, smiling, happy to hear some sort of happiness come from his mate. "Sit tight bud."

"Thanks Ni. You really are a great friend." Harry says looking down at his stomach, frowning again.

"It's really no problem Haz. I would do anything for you. You know that mate. I'll be there soon." Niall says, heading out to his car. "Love ya. Bye."

"Bye Ni." Harry says before hanging up the phone, setting it back down beside him on the arm of the couch. "Daddy's going to be just fine. He knows what he's doing. He trained hard for this. He'll be back. I know he will. He'll be here when your born and when you say your first word. He'll be here for when you start to crawl and when you take your first step. Your birthdays. He'll be here for it all. He'll be here. He will." He whispers placing his hands on his belly. The tears start falling again, repeating to himself that Louis was ok and alive, and that he will be back home safely in his arms again.

Harry was in the same position when Niall finally arrived. They cuddled and watched movies all night. Not one saying a word when Harry started crying again. Niall just sat there and held him, giving him the comfort he needed. That's all Harry could ask for at the moment. And no matter how hard he tried, his mind kept drifting off to his loved one. Hoping, praying that he was ok.

Man I've been gone so long and I'm extremely sorry for that. I took a break from this app. I needed to get my mind straight and just worry about myself there for awhile. But I'm back now and I'll try to update as soon as I can. Hopefully it won't take as long next time.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Leave your thoughts, questions, and concerns in the comments. Also don't forget to vote!

Love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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