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I woke up in the middle of the night. Something wasn't right. I looked out the window to see the security light on outside and immediately chills went up my spine. I grabbed the gun in my nightstand and looked over at Victor, who was peacefully asleep. I walked out into the kitchen and saw two armed men outside. 

They were no doubt here for us but I wouldn't let anything happen to us here. Not in my home. I slipped into the next room in the dark and climbed out the living room window. I walked to the side of the house and shot around the corner quickly. It was fast, quiet. I slipped back inside and made sure to go through and lock everything. 

I sat in the living room in the dark thinking for a while. There was something bigger than intruders coming. The next people wouldn't wait to try and not wake us. They would come in. Those two men would be seen as a message and whoever sent them would retaliate. I texted my closest neighbor, a trusted friend that now knew Zsasz was here and would watch out for him. I quickly wrote a letter and left it on a night stand. I packed a quick bag and took my old car out. Victor was going to be pissed. Bad. But I had to leave now and I didn't want to worry him. I could do this on my own. I guess I had to get use to this again. They knew where I was now. I was coming back to Gotham, for good. 

I drove into the city in the dark and went right to Falcone's mansion. He would know what was going on and who had a target on his two biggest employees. He wasn't asleep. He rarely slept and if there was something going on he was on top of it. I knocked on his office door and a guard answered letting me in. "Falcone." I said, looking for him. "Yes?" He responded from his desk, spinning in his office chair to see me. I felt his two guards raise guns to my head. "Dear," he said in a taunting voice. "You're distracting to Victor." I smiled as he told his guards to cuff me. I slid blades down from my wrists and slit both of their throats. He underestimated me. 

"Falcone, you should know me better than that." I laughed. He just starred at me and it made me mad. "I was so good. But I couldn't do it anymore and maybe that makes me weak but at least this city isn't all I rely on." I said turning to leave. "So you came back to act like a big shot huh?" He yelled, trying to intimidate me. "I came to tell you I'm back in Gotham. For good this time. Either you want me to work for you or want me to work against you. I'm good with either one." He thought for a second and nodded, "I don't know what sparked that fire under you, but welcome back Miss. Manningfield." 

I nodded and turned around, leaving the office and slamming the door. I went back to Victor's apartment. I cleaned everything up and unpacked my bag into a few of his empty drawers. I kept thinking how mad he was going to be tomorrow. I didn't want to check my phone. I took a shower and laid down, trying to make up for the sleep I lost. I slipped into sleep. 

Home Again- V.Z. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now