Bucky X Reader Oneshot

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A/N My first reader insert lol. I think I'll be writing a lot more reader insert oneshots it was really fun (as hard as it was because I kept switching from "I" and ''my'' to ''you'' and ''your'' of corse I am pretty sure I fixed all that *sorry If I missed some*. I got the covor pick of Google Images (I obviously didn't make it :) )

Your entire life you have been an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D, literally. You're one of the few people who was conceived for an actual purpose other than to look good in a family photo and be bragged about by a soccer mum. So after 20 years of gruelling training sessions with the best agents, going on mission after mission since you were 5 and being genetically enhanced to have CIPA, you'd think you'd practically be invincible, in your opinion yes! In everybody else's no...

''Agent (l/n) you will be sent back to your home for six days to recover, you can return afterwards to continue your mission.'' Fury said as he strode into the hospital room you had been stuck in overnight.

''I don't need to go home, if you haven't noticed I am fine, just a bit groggy from the anaesthetic so once it wears of I can go back to complete my mission in destroying the rest of H.Y.D.R.A'' you said sitting up straight to look Fury in the eye.

''Agent (l/n) you have just had your appendix removed after it ruptured-''

''Really I hadn't noticed, I thought the stitches were just for show,'' you cut him off, crossing your arms and earning a glare from Fury, you glared right back.

''You will be sent back to your home for six days to rest, there will be someone with you to make sure you don't do anything idiotic, is that understood.'' Fury said giving you and intimidating look,

''but I don't need-''

''This is an order Agent (l/n) and if you do not follow it you will be out of the job permanently.'' He snapped making you shrink back to into the hospital bed.

''Fine, understood, when am I going?'' you frowned and hunched over.

''Tomorrow morning, 6am sharp'' Fury said as he strode out of the room with his usual, ''I-am-an-angry-badass-fear-me!'' look on his face.

You wandered around the hospital at night looking for the cafeteria, you knew you weren't supposed to eat solids until you had finished recovering, but being ''fed'' through an IV isn't exactly filling, plus being the super stealthy S.H.E.I.L.D agent you were, you figured you could be in and out of there and no one would know you were even near the cafeteria. Unfortunately it was taking longer than you expected for the anaesthetic to wear of and you still weren't quite all there, which made reading the free map you got of one of the hospital pamphlets a living nightmare. With your nose in the pamphlet and eyes on the map you turned a corner expecting there to be more corridor, but to your surprise it was stairs, so instead of getting to the cafeteria you fell down three flights of stairs.

In the middle of the fall, a loud crack rang through the mostly quiet halls. The ruckus you caused made nurses from all three floors hurriedly exit their little offices where they were gossiping and help you. Trust me all anaesthetic left your system when you reached the bottom of those stairs and after hours of sitting around getting a lecture from Fury, millions of x-rays of the same spot and being put on way to much happy gas, you found out you had broken your left leg, which meant your initial 6 days of recovery turned into 6 weeks of recovery. All you could say is thank God for the happy gas because without it you just might've broken another bone and it wouldn't have been one of yours.

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