What To Do When Your Baby Sitter Gets Nightmares

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A/N I feel like every Bucky fan-fic has a chapter like this... I did however try to make it as light hearted as possible. Also guys I am not really sure what to do with this story as in the time progression, I'd imagine that the reader's leg would have healed by now and wouldn't need to be looked after by someone so I've been debating on moving them to someplace like Stark Tower or something but then I am not sure if I want to introduce any of the other MARVEL characters because I am lazy... So comment on your oppinion because I really want to do an Easter Special but I am at a bit of a loss on how to write it. Thanks For Reading Guys :D 

Your (E/C) eyes seem to glow in the moonlight as you lay awake in your bed. You can't fall asleep, why? Because your very attractive, very manly babysitter has PTSD.

 Normally you make sure you go to bed and fall asleep before Bucky does, however he managed to beat you to sleep tonight and you were stuck listening to him toss and turn, he sometimes would grunt or mutter incoherent words that no matter how hard you tried you couldn't understand what he was saying.

Nights like these were generally long, you barely got any sleep but you could never get angry at him due to the fact he wasn't doing it on purpose, in fact he had even apologised once when he woke you up by yelling incoherent Russian in his sleep.

You turned on your side and watched him squirm in his sleep, sweat dripped from his forehead and he began grunting. You lay for a while until his constant restlessness irritated you to the point of grabbing your crutches and making your way to the lounge room to find some peace.

You sat with the laptop on your lap scrolling through Google and yahoo answers to see if you could find some sort of cure for nightmares, one  way in particular interested you.

It was 6 in the morning Bucky was still sound asleep as you exited the small house and began hobbling down the street on your crutches; You hadn't actually left the tiny house since you'd arrived, you had made Bucky get all the groceries and whatever else the two of you needed for entertainment seeing as he was the one with a fully functional set of legs, however you enjoyed stretching you legs and getting your hands dirty once in a while, you were after all a top S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

You entered the local corner shop and gave a small smile to the shop clerk who stood behind the counter half asleep with their headphones blasting their ears to death with obnoxious music.

Your eyes scanned the shelves for the two necessary items you needed and you slightly grimaced when you saw the only available versions of the items. Typical, the one time you try and be genuinely nice and he'll probably disregard it as you shit stirring him.

With a tired sigh you grabbed the two items, payed for them and quickly left the shop, limping back home as quickly as possible.

Bucky was wide awake and pacing when you got home, visibly worried that you hadn't been home,

''Where were you?'' He demanded folding his arms looking like a really buff six-foot scolding mother of angst and doom, you blinked and rubbed your tired eyes before replying,

''I just went to the corner shop to get you these.'' You yawned and handed Bucky the plastic bag only for him to raise an eyebrow at the content.

''Why would I need these?'' He asked pulling out the holographic unicorn note book and sparkly pink pen with a tuft of hot pink fluff on the end.

''So you can write down your nightmares,'' you yawned again and rubbed your sleepy eyes, ''It's supposed to help you figure out reality from dreams when you're asleep, it won't cure them but it should help lessen the pain.'' You began to walk past the bewildered ex-assassin, he turned to you with a soft look in his eyes.

''Thank you (Y/N)'' He said, you looked at him with a cheshire cat grin and opened your mouth to say some sassy remark or mood killer pick-up line however Bucky continued, ''You should get some sleep, You must be tired because you've been running through my dreams all night.'' He grinned at your fallen smile and you gave a mockery huff of annoyance.

''Bucky you can't say that I am the one who says all the bad pick-up lines, geeze I was gone for what? 10? 15 minutes? You're like an entirely different character.''  You fail to keep a straight face and smile and Bucky gives a slight chuckle, leaning down and kissing your forehead.

''Seriously (Y/N), get some sleep.'' He adds, you smile softly at him a faint blush dusts your cheeks as you turn and hobble back to your room to get some sleep.

''I'll see you in my dreams Bucky,'' You call out, ''and I promise you we won't be running''  

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