Daniel POV

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I woke up at about 7:30 am and got out of bed without waking Jess. She fell asleep at 3:00 am last night, wanting to stay up for her birthday. I got out of her grip and made my way downstairs, the other guys were awake already.

Daniel: Hey so I want to do something for Jess for her birthday, here.

Corbyn: What did you wanna do?

Daniel: I know that Christina and Gabbie are in LA, so I was wondering if they could take her out then I make like a fort thing in our room. You guys might want to sleep in a hotel room or something.

Corbyn: Ill text Christina

Jack: Ill text Gabbie

Daniel: Thank  you

They all smiled, you then walked into the kitchen and started making pancakes for her. 

Jonah: Ill book the hotel rooms, because you GUYS ARENT QUIET.

Daniel: Shut up Jonah

You made pancakes for her birthday. When they were done they looked like this.

I then told then boys that you had extra, so they could have some if they wanted

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I then told then boys that you had extra, so they could have some if they wanted. Then I grabbed the two plates and walked upstairs. I walked in then sat down next to her on the bed, without waking her. It was about 10:00 am now.

Daniel: Jess baby, wake up

She stirred around in her sleep. Then her eyes fluttered open.

Daniel: Goodmorning beautiful

Jess: Goodmorning

Daniel: I made breakfast

Jess: Thank you.

She took her plate out of my hand, then I sat next to her. Then we both started eating. 

Daniel: Also Chistina and Gabbie, are taking you for the day.

Jess: What? I wanna spend it with you

Daniel: We are gonna have to have the house to our selves tonight

Jess: Nice. I should go get ready

Daniel: Wait how did you finish that so quickly. 

Jess: magical

**Jess POV**

You got up and picked out your outfit, and put it in the bathroom. Then you walked back and kissed him. He put his arms around your waist and kissed you back. You finally pulled back then walked into the bathroom. You turned on the water, then stripped. When it was the right temperate, you got in. You shaved everywhere, washed your hair, and washed the rest of your body. When you got out, you got dressed into this ↓

 When you got out, you got dressed into this ↓

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