What even is school?

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Rachel ran to the elevator, frantically pressing the button to her floor. She had run to and back from the supermarket. And she now carried bags of soda and cereal in her arms. Along with some heavy books on magic. So, she was pretty exhausted. "I don't want Zack to run off again... this city isn't safe for him, especially when he's just a child... If he isn't recognized, he might at least get kidnapped. Without his knife the kid is defenseless. And considering how small and thin he is, he might still be relatively helpless." Rachel thought as she road the elevator up to her motel room. Just as she was about to open the door, she heard something.

"Next week is your first day of school! Aren't you excited?"

"Why do I have to go?!"

"Because you get to learn! And mom needs a break."

"And some wine..." Rachel could tell the women wanted to say.

Rachel thought over that idea. Putting Zack in school? He was certainly the appropriate age for at least the first grade. And he could certainly use the education. And she spends most mornings and afternoons at street corners begging, so she knows firsthand that everyone's given up on finding her and Zack. But, most of all, it would be like a eight-hour-babysitting service for Rachel. Eight hour where she can tirelessly search for the best cure to Zack's de-aging. "Because I'm not sure the potions I got from that creepy shopkeep are safe for someone like Zack..." Rachel thought over it a bit more, and then walked into the motel room.

Rachel put the books she had got from the library under her bed, where she hoped Zack wouldn't be able to find them. He can't read, so it doesn't really matter.

Rachel turned to young Zack, and saw he had a contemplative look on his face.

Rachel walked over. "Hey, Zack. I'm home. And I got you the things you asked for." She brought out the soda and cereal.

"Hey, Ray..." Zack took the soda with his good arm, and drank some. "I... um... have something to tell you..." He said, weakness in his tone.

Rachel bent down to be eye-level with Zack. "I have something I need to tell you too, Zack."

Zack's eyes widened, shocked at her. "Huh?"

Rachel continued. "Zack..." She paused, hoping this was the right thing to do. But she reassured herself that this was the only way she could find Zack a cure without putting him in danger. "... I'm enrolling you in school. More specifically first grade."

"... Huh?" And, almost as quickly as it appeared, all of Zack's hope shattered. All hope that she would finally tell him the truth of what he's supposed to be. "Huh?!"

"School. You're a kid, you need an education." Rachel stated in her same, unemotional voice.

Unlike her, Zack had emotions, so he started to panic. "N- no! No I don't! Please don't make me! I don't want to go!" His mind raced. His breathing turned raged and uneven. All he could think of were the mean classmates. All the things they could and will say. The laughing. The smiling. And hurtful words. The kind that scared his memory for years to come. For eternity. The reason he sees himself as nothing but a monster. "Please... don't make me..." He begged. Trying to even grab a hold of Rachel, and not be taken away from her.

Rachel wasn't budging though. The only thing she could think of was keeping him from being physically hurt again."I'm sorry, Zack. But you have to go to school. Neither of us have a real choice on this. It's the law." She pushed his arm back onto the couch.

Zack's eyes narrowed. "Who cares about the fucking law?! I don't want to go!!" He yelled.

Rachel just sighed. "Well, you are going. It starts in a week, you have plenty of time to prepare."

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