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Extra. extra long chapter! Grab a whole meal🥘

Dusa's POV

The laughter and splashing of the priestesses sounded through the elegant bathhouse. Their noise of game ended as their eyes met my figure and each woman turned to scrub their bodies in silence.

It was times like these I grew accustomed to; the sudden shift in volume was one of familiarity.

"You all remain quiet because of me?" I spoke, uniting the string of my sandals.

Silence overfilled the room.

"Is my beauty so lethal that you would look at me with envy? It makes you girls quiver in fear?" I spat, snatching my towel and standing to leave.

"This bathwater is polluted with your filth and grime. I will bathe elsewhere" I uttered and sauntered out the spacious bathhouse.


The sights of the mansion were unfamiliar to me; each hallway I roamed, a new wonder awaited me, but I needed to bathe before I was summoned for the day. Maybe there was a spare room I could find, but turning a corner only placed me in front of two opulent doors.

"Gëvłpź" the sign in Greek spelled.

"Athena" I whispered and schemed, realizing the importance of the room.

Would I be so bold as to bathe in the goddess's bathroom?

—Of course I would—

Without hesitation, I pushed open the heavy doors and observed her hidden sanctuary.




The room was exactly how I imagined it.

A hot brew of soaps and bubbles drew me in. Relaxation soon filled my spirits as I peeled off my satin robe and descended into the warm waters. I rested my head against the cool marble floor in peace.


"KMM KMM" a rude cough disrupted my calm. The sight of Athena greeted my eyes and her face showed red with rage.

"The water is warm, please do come in" I tested her patience. Anger radiated off her hardened face.

"You dare enter into my sanctuary and bathe in my bathroom? Get up and leave... NOW!" she yelled and threw a cotton towel towards me; white foam dripped down my body as I stood to grab it.

As I began to dry, my eyes snap to the figure of a man standing beyond the dark shadows.

"Hmmm... I am surprised the virginal goddess of wisdom would entertain the company of a man in a place you vowed they were forbidden?" I beamed, looking to Athena in accusation as I wrapped the towel around my slender body.

"Who I entertain is none of your concern. You're lucky you are the favor I owe your father for helping me save Athens. I could have you killed for disrespecting me"

"I meant no disrespect," I answered, making my voice sound as innocent as possible, "Enjoy it. It is WARM" I sang, loudly so that the mysterious stranger could hear and resigned to my quarters.


The next morning

There was a pathway behind the high temple in the mountains that led to an ocean. A breeze of cold misty air sprinkled between my hair as I neared the crashing waves of the seas. The hot rays of the early morning sun invaded my skin as I searched for a slab of rock to hide behind. It was a chilly day but anything was better than bathing with..the others...

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