0 | prologue

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Hi everyone! I'm so very excited to share this story with you all, it's one of my babies! Please vote, comment and follow to your hearts content x

Would mean the world and more!

Enjoy, T x


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The celebratory pinkette smiled as she looked between her parents who were beaming back with just as much joy as her.

"Now here is your present, we didn't quite know what to get you, but we hope you like it! And if you don't that's okay too, I can take it ba-", Kizashi Haruno was cut off by a flurry of pink who all but launched herself at her confused parents.

"Thank you thank you thank you a million times over!" She said in a blubbering mess, eternally grateful for the book that lay across her lap. "I love it, thank you." She pulled back and smiled at them before thanking them again and running to her room.

The couple fist pumped as she disappeared out of sight, and then sunk into the couch, matching expressions of content present.

"We went through hell and back to get that book, but it was worth it to see her face when she opened it." Mebuki hummed in agreement, glad they stuck to the present they were sure she was to love.

The pink-haired child closed her door silently before she readied herself in bed, her new book lying patiently infront of her.

Pure excitement could be seen from the blindest of men as she stroked the words engraved on the front.

"The tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi," she whispered.

She hugged the book close to her chest before starting to read the tale that would soon embody her future.

For the will of fire ignited in the 4 year old pinky that night.

And it would only grow stronger.


That's the epilogue done!

Two votes and I'll post the first chapter x

T x

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