Chapter 1 - A new start - part 1

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Olympia, Washington, August 2003. Adrianna (Andie for short) Galestone had just recently moved to Portland. She stood on the porch of her home in the uptown parts, her golden brown eyes scanning her surroundings. Her parents, very well respected lawyers, had been transferred from Denver, Colorado to their law firm's main office in Olympia. The idea of starting in a new school had been awkward for her, at first, like it always is. And it's even more intimidating at the age of eleven than it is when you're older. The school groups are already firmly established, and it's almost impossible to be included into one. She'd tried to console herself by telling herself that she probably wasn't the only one just moving into town, and that at least it had been before the start of school. She shuddered to think what would have happened if it had been later. Her parents had both said the same most parents do when she'd expressed her doubts. "It'll be great, you'll see!", they would say, or "You'll make new friends in no time!" So all Andie had been able to do was wait and see. And finally, after a week of unpacking boxes and getting books and everything else she needed, the first day of school started. Her mother dropped her off.

"I'll pick you up this afternoon, okay, honey?"

Andie had considered offering to just take the bus, but had decided against it fairly quickly.It was the best way to be ogled at and uncomfortable. And she hated that.

"Okay. Love you, Mom."

"Love you too, honey. See you later."

Andie climbed out and watched her mother drive away with a wave, feeling suddenly very lonely and a little scared. And as if that wasn't awkward enough, everyone was already in groups. There were trees and benches here and there, all invisible under the groups of teens crammed on and around them, chattering noisily about their summer.

This is going to be even worse than I thought... Andie sighed mentally.

The school itself was big without being too intimidating, and the green patches soften the general area. Andie thought she could even possibly like it here... as long as she wasn't forced to be all alone all the time. She heard excited squeals beside her. Glancing around, she saw a small group of older girls, probably about fourteen years old, reuniting euphorically. Andie couldn't help feeling a twinge of envy. She didn't have anyone to greet her like that. The bell rang, so Andie readjusted her backpack and made her way towards the entrance. She found a little comfort in the knowledge that there were a lot of other new students who seemed just as nervous as her. They were sorted into their classes and led off to a classroom with one of their teachers where they were asked for their name and given their textbooks. But all the while, Andie felt that she stuck out like a sore thumb because everyone in her class had at least one or two people they already knew. She didn't. In the two weeks since they'd moved to Olympia, her family had been too busy settling in and getting ready for school and work.

And then, she had met Jessica and Emily. It had happened about three days after she'd started school in Olympia Middle School. Andie had been sitting by a tree reading, while Emily and Jessica, whom she didn't know yet, were sitting a few feet away, talking animatedly. Andie hadn't been able to help it. She'd glanced up at them occasionally. Not to eavesdrop, that wasn't her type. No, she was just thinking how nice it had to be to have a friend like that. She'd heaved a small sigh and gone back to her book. Just then, she'd felt someone looking at her. She'd glanced up and almost had a heart attack. Jessica was looking at her book.

"So you like fiction?" she said.

Andie had been reading the latest novel of her favorite author. She took in this odd, outspoken girl with dark hair and startling pale blue eyes.

"Yes..." Andie said. "I take it you do too?"

"Oh, yeah. But I prefer movies, myself. I hardly ever read."

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