someone povLEE JENO OPPA
WARGHHSpe sia lee jeno huh
aq ni murid bru dh la bru export ke korea tiba tiba lee jenoaih buat telinga aq pecah
Masa aq nk jln ke arah office
aduh sakit sia ni dada manusia ke dinding
aq bow smbil ckp "mianhaeyo"
And aq trdgr bisikan org
"bwoya dia lnggr senior fuh "
"dia x thu ke lee jeno"When org ckp psl jeno aq angkat muka aq
pergh bole thn mamat ni"dh hbs tgk muka sy ?"
aq tibe tibe blush and aq pergi cmtu
fuh hnsem gak dia
Aq dpt kls 4sc-1
Fuh kls pertama sc aq mcm x cy
aq nk cri jln huwaa aq sesataq x thu nk gi mne 😭
why aq clumsy sgt tdi lnggr then now dkt sejam aq cri kls x jmpa
aq tgh pgg file then aq langgar org lagi
"awk mmg suka lnggr sy ke?"
aq mcm knl empunya suara
what lee jeno again
"err bkn sngja but--"
"hahaha awk ni pendek la comey lak tu btw awk kls ape"
aq x hbs ckp kau potong but x pe la kau potong sbb kau puji aq omo aq x leh org puji nnti pipi aq merahhh urghhhhh aq x leh la
"kls 4sc-1"
"ooo beza 2 thn not bad "
aq pelik eh asl jp
aq tringt org ckp senior ahh patut ah
"sy 6a-1"
aq angguk
dia pndng aq
dia tnya soalan aq x leh brain
"ni msti cri sy eh ? tu duduk dpn kls sy"
aq mcm what bila masa and aq x thu pun tu kls kau oh my why this boy soooo annoy urgh
"eh mne ade tgh cri kls x jmpa" aq try snyum sbb nk hormat urgh
"kls awk dkt ats nk ke sy tunjuk"
okay cun ade direction pnt aq melilau satu sklh ni
"jom ikut sy"
Yes finally ade gak org bntu aq
"awk ni mcm x hyper mcm girl lain la "
aq pndng dia
"ape yg hyper x fhm "
"yela girl bila nmpk sy sume jerit " kata jeno
aq pun trtnya dia ni spe senanya smpai girl terjerit jerit
"erm btw sy new student x thu pape pon "
aq tgk muka dia nk respond pun still berlagak "eh srs ah new student pun know me well"
aq mcm who are you lol
"erm sorry x thu haha " maaf gelak aq x ikhlas
"sy smrookies la lee jeno"
aq terperanjat what smrookies damn aq lupa about kpop when aq abroad to singapore and dtg blik ke korea urghhhh
"hehe x thu sbb bz bljr and my parent hv business so idk about this hehe sorry"
nmpk gaya dia x de respon HAHAH
"btw u mix ke?"
soalan ape ni
aq pndng dia
"my father singapore n my mom korea so i born here but elementary pindah singapore hohoho and this yr bru pindah sini"dia angguk hoho fhm pun cite aq
"btw whats your name"
tnya nme aq buat ape hakalah
"erm nk buat ape eh"
pfft mamat ni nk pndng aq mcm nk mkn
"i just want to be your friend girl"
bila aq dgr ayt tu aq mcm wow srsly dude
and aq pun bgithu nme aq
"erm my name is
Maid NCT |NCT| ✔️✔️
DiversosCast Nct21 and Raebin Areum Katie Eunri Yerim just for fun 🤣hohoho i just create with my mind and brain so bila dh lme x update its because my brain expired or 🌝i drop somewhere my brain so wait patienly okayh lpstu typo tu sorry cuz i use fon ...