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Gasps fill the room as number one hits the ground, my heart beats fast in my chest, and black spots blur my vision. Knowing very well what is about to happen I turn around and run out of the lunch room.

            Finding the nearest bathroom I go inside, and slide my back down the wall. I knot my hands in my hair as thoughts fill my mind.

            What the hell is wrong with you Raine? Have you gone absolutely mental? Do you know why you're here? You're a fucking idiot.

            My heart pounds heavily against my ribs. My head was spinning, great now I'm going to get expelled! Fuck, Fuck, fuck!

            Someone runs in the bathroom, and stands in front of me. I try to blink the darkness away as fast as possible. Alexis stands in front of me with a look of absolute shock. "Are you ok? He's such an asshole for what he did to you!"

            I look up at her trying to calm my heart rate and stop tears from swelling in my eyes. She smirks suddenly, "That was one hell of a punch little lady." I smile lightly, and relax a little as I can finally see straight.

            Alexis slides down next to me, "I know you don't want to talk, I get that. But seriously blink twice if you're ok." I shake my head and blink twice.

            I didn't feel ok, but from experience I knew I looked ok.

            She smiles, "I'm honestly just glad you got to him before me. I would have torn his ass a new hole." I laugh, this girl is funny. Maybe in a different life we would be best friends, but not in this one.

            I look up at her slowly, "Listen. I get it, I'm new and appealing to you. But I'm not looking for friends."

            She scoffs, "Yeah only enemies right?"

            I sigh heavily, "You're a cool girl, and I appreciate you chasing after me. But like I said." She nods, "Not looking for friends." I nod back in agreement.

            She pulls her sweatshirt off, and I automatically look away. She shoves it into my lap, "I have a shirt under this weirdo. Take it, trust me I'm doing you a favor. No one wants to smell curdled milk all day." She offers a half smile, and I say, "Thanks."

            Then she stands up, and leaves without another word.

            I take off my milk soaked shirt, and replace it with the blue sweatshirt. Then I stand to my feet, and make my way out of the bathroom. As soon as I exit someone is at my side.

            What the hell is it with these people?

            Some blonde bimbo with bright pink lipstick glares at me, "You really fucked up." I give her a blank stare, and she continues, "Do you not understand what you just did, mute?"

            No, but I bet you're gonna tell me aren't you Barbie.


            "You just hit Kade Black. My boyfriend. No one fucks with Kade, watch your back, freak." Then she hurries down the hall, her heels clicking as she goes. Yeah, that would be number one's girlfriend. Or I guess its Kade now. The name fits the arrogant jackass.



                                    Surprisingly enough I didn't get in trouble, no teacher or principal stopped me. Weird school I was honestly just glad the day was over, and I could relax in my small cave looking room. I had the window open, and much to my surprise it only revealed someone's window next door. Which didn't have curtains on it, they were either just as broke as us, or didn't have anything to hide.

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