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     (Mature Content Towards The End)

Shortly after our conversation, Kade and I shook hands, and I took home 1,000 bucks. However I'm going to need more than that, and other than fighting there's only one thing I learned from my family. Trust me, it would look really bad if the wrong person saw it. So I planned on going tomorrow after school to check it out.
           I push the door open, and stride in. My body feeling rather drained from Kades killer knock out. My father lays asleep on the couch, much to my surprise no liquor too be found. I shut the door quietly, but his eyes snap open anyways. In a raspy voice he says, "How much did you bring?"
         I walk over to him and drop the money on his lap, "1,000." He scratches his head sitting up, "we need more than that." I nod in agreement, "I'm checking out a job tomorrow, I will start as soon as possible if I get hired." He let's out a gravely cough, most definitely from all of the cigarettes and alcohol mixer.
        "Good, I have an interview tomorrow as well so don't expect me home for a while." My eyes widen at that statement, that's why there was no liquor.
       He hasn't had a job since everything went down, and trust me that was about 2 years ago. Left over savings, and my work has kept us afloat for a while.
       I say, "That's great." He scoffs And replies, "It would be even better if it wasn't at a bar." I mentally face palm. Great.
       He gives me an annoyed look, "Don't trouble yourself Raine, there's no drinking on the job." Like that will stop you.
        I give him a small smile, "Well together we should be just fine." He nods, and I take his silence as a dismissal. As I walk away I hear him say, "I'm working on it Raine, I'm done being this person." Even though I've heard this before a part of me chooses to believe it. "Good." Then I walk up the stairs into my room.
          As I enter my bedroom, I see things being thrown around Kades room. But last we discussed he was staying a little later to do paper work. Two tall figures with hoods search his room aggressively. I crack my window to see if I could hear anything. "Take anything that-" the talking figure walks to the other side of the room cutting off what I can hear.
             I can't let my boss get robbed. I take my shoes off, and when both figures are out of my view I pull my window open, and slowly crawl from house to house holding on tightly to his small balcony. I push the window open and throw myself inside.
           Their heads snap to me, and instantly a gun is being pulled. "Who the fuck are you?" I hold my hands up probably on instinct from movies. I stay silent, the one with a gun was closer to me. He steps even closer and wiggles the gun, "I said who the fuck are you!" He sounded more frantic, and I could tell he was a younger guy."
      I smirk a little when a plan hits me, "I-I'm Kades neighbor, he pulled a mean prank on me and I just wanted to take his clothes and cut them up!" I put on my most innocent face, and the guy shakes his head.
       "Do you know how dumb you are?" I bend my finger to the side practically breaking it, praying fake tears can spill. Just before it breaks the tears fall, "I'm so sorry! Please I won't tell anyone I swear! I just don't kill me, oh god I'm too young to die I haven't even got to sky dive yet."
           The guy shakes his head again, "God damn it I'm not going to kill you," He stuffs the gun in his back pocket, "-see?" I nod, and sniffle. "Thank you, oh god thank you!" He nods, "Now get what you need, and leave." I nod slowly, and hesitantly walk over to Kades dresser.
         I look out of my peripheral vision to find the other person continuing to search the room. Both seeming unbothered by a girl who just crawled through the window. When I get to the dresser, I quickly grab the football trophy and chuck it directly at his head. He ducks, and screams, "What the fuck!"
          As he's recovering I tackle him over a desk, we hit the ground and I see his friend coming towards us but not attacking. Oh he thinks his buddy can handle me? I land a solid right hook to guys head then put him in a tight head lock he struggles throwing hands into my face, and tries to pry my arms from his neck.
        Seeing his buddy in this situation the other guy runs over. I feel the guy I am holding struggle a lot less. I tighten it if that's even possible, and his body starts to go limp as he makes a weird gurgling noise. I am thrown off of him, but I was happy to see he was knocked out cold.
          I kick my foot up, and hit the other guy in the balls. Then I successfully put him in a arm bar. He screams as I pull it backwards, I don't stop until I hear a snap. Then I release. He screams in pain, and I take that moment to stand up and slam my foot into his knee. He screams louder than before, and curls into a ball.
         Just then the bedroom door is kicked open, I get back into a fighting stance but an enraged man steps into the room. He was older, "What the fuck is going on in here and who are you?" He pulls a gun from his pocket and places it to my forehead.
         "You better answer quick girl or you'll have a nice new hole in your head." I boldly say, "Who the hell is asking."
        "The owner of this god damn house!" My eyes widen, and I say, "I'm the neighbor, I saw people tearing Kades room apart and I figured I'd stop them from doing so."
        He looks at the people on the floor one whom is crying, then he screams, "CHRISTOPH!" A giant man walks into the room, "Yes sir." The man says, "Get rid of these two." The man nods, and proceeds to take the other guys out of the room.
          He puts the safety on the gun and shoves it in his pants, "I should introduce myself, I'm James, Kades father." I shake his hand, "I'm Raine, the girl next door." He says, "Come with me."
          He pulls something out of his pocket, and says, "You smoke?" I eye up the blunt, and say, "Yes sir." He lights it, and takes a few hits before passing it to me. We go down a set of stairs and enter his kitchen. He sits down at the table, and just now am I realizing how truly humongous this house was. He says, "You say you saw them through the window, huh?" He gives me a stern look as if trying to tell if I'd lie.
       I nod, "Yes, I heard them say they were going to take something so I intervened." He chuckles, "For such a small girl you fucked em up pretty good!" His slight street talk surprised me. I shrug, "I've had practice." He chuckles deeply, and honestly he was a very attractive man for being older.
        "If I'm correct, you just moved in, huh?" I nod, "Yes sir."
      He nods, "Where from?" My eyes narrow, "I'd tell you if I thought that was any of your concern, sir." He laughs again, "You're funny, I like you." I shrug and say, "Yeah, I'm ok."
       I hear a door open, and I take one more hit of the blunt before passing it back to him. He smirks, "You can handle your weed." I reply, "What you supply, I can smoke." We both laugh at that one.
       Kade walks in looking confused, "Why are you here?" James gives him a crooked smile, "She saved your ass, you should be happy." Kade says, "And by that you mean?" I look up at him, "Two guys broke in just before your dad got home, I caught them in your room and roughed them up." He says, "Oh, well then you seem to have done all you care for. The doors through that room to the left. I glare, ok not even a thank you?
         "It was nice meeting you James. Oh, and I'm gonna have to go back through the window. My dad will have a fit." Kade sighs dramatically before leading me to his room.
        When he walks in he runs his hands through his hair at the mess. I laugh, and his head snaps to me, "You think this is funny?" I simply shrug and he continues, "You might want to be careful laughing at me doll." I give him a glare, "I just saved your ass Kade, don't give me empty threats." His eyes seem to darken, as he takes long strides towards me. In a second he grabs me, and slams me onto his bed. He pins me down underneath him, and my heart pounds in my chest. I try to move but he holds me still.
       He had his hands holding my wrists, a knee between my thighs. And the other laying beside him. He moves both my wrist into one hand, and travels his other hand lower. My eyes widen, and I find myself melting into his touch he leans into the crook of my neck and says, "Next time you come into my window, you shouldn't be doing anything other than laying on this bed, and waiting for me." I gulp slowly, and he releases me casually and walks to the window throwing it open. "Now get the fuck out."
      I found myself frozen, he stalks back over to me and I find myself on my feet in seconds. All senses coming back to me. I instantly grab him by his throat and push him against the wall surprise strikes his usually collected face.
    I lean to his ear and say, "If I crawled through your window again, you'd be under me." Then I turn and walk to the window climbing out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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